IS IT TRUE Â that it looks like the deal between Deaconess Hospital-Evansville and Henderson Community Methodist Hospital/Union County Hospital is about ready to be consummated? …we give the officials at Deaconess Hospital-Evansville credit for making one heck of a savvy business deal between the two area hospitals? … we are told that the quality of healthcare in the Henderson area should dramatically improve after the merger of services during the next several months? Â …that the CCO recently questioned the terms and conditions of the business transactions between both hospitals? Â … it’s now obvious that Henderson Community Methodist Hospital has to do something quickly in order to keep the doors opened and pay their current bills? Â …we wish both hospitals the best in the future and hope that the citizens of Henderson, Kentucky area will continue receiving up-to-date and affordable healthcare?
IS IT TRUE we’ve been told that the e-mail that local Realtor Stacy Stevens GRI, CRS, SRES sent to City Council members concerning the proposed noise ordinance really insulted members of Council?  …we wouldn’t be surprised that an attempt to make sure that Ms. Stevens won’t be re-appointed to Area Plan Commission could be in the making?
IS IT TRUE it looks like the former Evansville Mayor and current Ivy Tech Chancellor Jonathon Wienzapfel meddling in state and local politics may be over with? …it was recently publicized that Mr. Wienzapfel was helping to host a political fundraising event for a local and statewide candidate?  …we were told that Chancellor Wienzapfel current employer told him to withdraw from being a sponsor of the two political fundraising events?  …we are told that Chancellor Wienzapfel is now spending his time educating students at Ivy Tech and not being a “political kingmaker”?
IS IT TRUE on the corner of the Lloyd Expressway and Fielding Road plans to build an  IGA Convenience Store and Gas station has hit a snag? … that the Area Plan Commission voted against this questionable project and members the Evansville City Council and upstaged them by voting to approve this controversial project across from Harrison High School? …even afterward the residents voiced serious concerns about this project City Council still approved it anyway?
IS IT TRUE like a thief in the night the original plans for the IGA Convenience Store and Gas station were changed without giving proper notice to the adjoining property owners or City Council members? …it looks like the project developer may have discreetly changed the route of the access road of Fielding Manor Court, without any discussion with the adjoining property owners?
IS IT TRUE that this project has gone through many phases? … step #1 was to rezone the property to meet the County’s zoning regulations? …step #2 was that the Area Plan Commission voted 7-3 against the rezoning, with two abstentions?
IS IT TRUE that step #3 the rezoning request was forwarded to City Council for a final vote and passed by a 6-3 vote in favor of the rezoning? Â …the 6-3 vote made by City Council ensures that this decision can’t be vetoed by the Mayor?
IS IT TRUE that step #4 allowed the City Engineer’s office to begin the lengthy oversite with local, county and state departments in reviewing and approving reasonable options for access along Fielding Road and developing the best possible solution for safety and mobility?
IS IT TRUE that it’s obvious that either a staff member of Area Plan or State officials errored in allowing the project developer to amend the site plans without contacting City Council or adjoining property owners?
IS IT TRUE we would like to thank State Representative Wendy McNamara for providing information to the City-County Observer concerning the current happenings at the State House?
IS IT TRUE we wonder if anybody has heard from the Democrat who is running for the United States House of Representatives seat against Congressman Larry Bucshon?
IS IT TRUE last Friday was officially the last day for former CVB Executive Director, Bob Warren? … Mr. Warrens staff had a going away lunch for him and he left town right afterward?  ….that former CVB Executive Director Warren did some good things to improve tourism during his last 6 years in Evansville? …we are told that Mr. Warren may also be remembered as the man who used taxpayers dollars to buy a “ROASTED PIG” for the CVB Christmas party?  …we wish him well during his retirement?
Todays “Readers Poll†question is: Do you feel that changing the route of the access road to Fielding Manor Court, without any discussion with the adjoining property owners was inappropriate?
Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE Files, CHANNEL 44 NEWS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS†and “LOCAL SPORTSâ€.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.
If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us
Weinzapfel a king maker? That sorry SOB couldn’t even make himself king. Now he is trying to associate his name with candidates with a good chance of winning to make himself look better. Ivy Tech needs to give Chancellor Weinzapfel some teaching responsibilities so he doesn’t have time to make political mischief. Thanks to the CCO, the people of Evansville are done with that schister forever.
Democrats siding with illegal aliens with this e-mail to their loyal followers. Shouldn’t we be against parents committing crimes with their children present? In Vanderburgh County the Welfare Dept. will take your children if you commit crimes when the children are present. Hard to reconcile Democrat tears for illegals with Democrats supporting taxpayer funded abortion of unborn children. Killing unborn children seems like the ultimate in child abuse.
Call Larry Bucshon’s office TODAY (202-225-4636) to tell him to STOP taking kids away from their mothers and fathers at the border. Tell him to stop this government-sponsored child abuse. Tell this “family values” republican to VALUE families and stop supporting this terrible policy.
Paid For & Authorized by the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party
PO Box 3208
Evansville IN 47731
Breitbart’s readership continues to fall every month, most of its staff has been let go, the total drop is almost 75% of its former readership.
Same with CNN and other liberal MSM outlets.
Tell Buschon to support Trump in separating children from the illegal criminals bringing them into this country. Children should be separated from criminals. Our court system separates children from criminals everyday. People make a living working with foster care and other social service agencies caring for these children. If liberal social service agencies were getting in on the action it would be a nothing burger issue.
Your “IS IT TRUE” paragraph about Deaconess/Methodist Hospital sure has a different tone than your prior ones about this topic – what gives? And why do you insist in calling it Deaconess Hospital-Evansville? Anyone who reads this site isn’t confusing this Deaconess with any other Deaconess…
Trolley Bob Warren feeding for retirement.
Hard to imagine there’s enough money to get Jeff Hatfield elected. he’s a democrat. Democrats support sanctuary cities open borders, unlimited immigration, catch and release of criminals and seem to support a growth in the homeless population. A democrat is a democrat, a Hoosier democrat and a California democrat support the seem policies. This year looks like a great year to vote a straight republican ticket. Democrats need to get in line and help Trump Make America Great Again or get out of the race.
Fielding court drive is a mess, can’t believe what a mess this will create !!!!!I
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