Home Breaking News Warm May Weather Could Drive June Electric Bills Upward

Warm May Weather Could Drive June Electric Bills Upward


With summer temperatures arriving earlier than usual, Vectren is encouraging customers to consider the likely increase in bills received in the month of June, which reflect May consumption. During the month of May, temperatures were higher-than-normal for spring, which have caused customers to start utilizing their air conditioners and cooling fans earlier than usual.

“May was significantly warmer than normal and has undoubtedly caused customers’ cooling systems to run earlier and more often than last spring,” said Brad Ellsworth, president of Vectren Energy Delivery-South. “The early start to summer is certainly driving energy usage and bills higher. We are encouraging customers that may find themselves with a higher than expected bill to reach out to us before they have an issue with paying their bill.”

Bills received in June, which reflect May usage, are expected to be higher on average than bills received last month, which reflects a more seasonably appropriate month of April. Customers who may be challenged to pay or those who have received a disconnect notice should call Vectren at 1-800-227-1376 to see if they qualify for a payment arrangement, where the bill amount can be spread into smaller payments over a set period of time.

Customers are reminded to consider ways to conserve energy, which will help reduce summer energy bills this season. Vectren offers a variety of energy-saving tips as well as information on additional energy efficiency programs for residential and business customers on its website. Learn more about Vectren’s programs at www.vectren.com/saveenergy or call 1-866-240-8476.



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