IS IT TRUE February 1, 2013

The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) has reconsidered it support for a fertilizer plant in Posey County?…this plant was to have gotten over a Billion dollars in bonds issued by the Indiana Finance Authority to construct a nitrogen plant in Posey County?…the business to be the beneficiary of this subsidy Midwest Fertilizer Corp. is part of Fatima Group, an industrial conglomerate based in Lahore, Pakistan?…Fatima also produces fertilizer in Pakistan, and it is part of a group of companies owned by Arif Habib Group?…for a good time now the fertilizer made in Pakistan has been under Congressional and outside investigation somehow is finding its way into the hands of terrorists that are at war with the United States in Afghanistan?…no real smoking gun has been found linking company management to the repurposed chemicals?…the IEDC somehow did not find this information worthy of further VETTING before running headlong into the bond deal at the urging of the Posey County Economic Development officials?

IS IT TRUE the CCO has received several requests to expose this is the past week and even had some questions about whether or not GAGE and the Winnecke Administration had done the VETTING for the IEDC?…the desperate rush to make deals that create announcements of some jobs is blinding local authorities and impairing whatever decision making capacity they ever had?…whether it is Earthcare Energy or Fatima it is astonishing just how easy it is for outsiders to pull the wool over local authorities eyes?…the full scope of the Fatima allegations is way worse than the inept Earthcare Energy deal where the local bumpkins simply got bamboozled by themselves?…this one rises to the level of giving incentives to a Russian business (our allies) during WWII that was accused of supplying the German army with bombs to drop on American and Allied forces?…we wonder if we are asking too much of our leaders to expect them to think three times before signing on the bottom line and calling a ribbon cutting party?

IS IT TRUE the economic news coming out of Washington seems to just keep getting worse after a brief one quarter flirtation with improvement just in time for the election for President of the United States?…just this morning we learned that the “official” unemployment rate has risen again from an election low of 7.8% to 7.9%?…we all know by now that there is nothing resembling reality about the “official” unemployment rate when it comes to the number of people who are not working?…this comes on the heels of Wednesday’s report that the overall economy of the United States contracted by 0.1% for the fourth quarter of 2012 after dangerously low growth for four or five years?…this was the first quarterly contraction in 3 years and it happened during the Christmas season and a spend to you drop presidential election?…between falling incomes and rising prices the average American family has lost over 20% of their purchasing power during the Great Recession?…that 20% is a staggering amount to absorb as most families never had 20% of their earnings left over after paying for their NEEDS?…the contraction in the economy was reported to have been driven by retail which is an indicator that discretionary spending is for now a thing of the past and that many families are learning how to survive with lesser and different NEEDS?…it is truly ironic that these numbers only came out after the presidential elections?

IS IT TRUE that finally on this first day of February the CCO wonders if life in the State of Indiana is so good that our state legislators have nothing better to do than fret over whether or not feeding a baby white tail deer with a bottle is a crime worthy of punishment?…we are once again doing things to make ourselves the laughing stock of many people?…spending time in the short legislative session to fret over the saving of a baby deer defies logic?…little Dani the white tail fawn and his saviors are in several news outlets with worldwide distribution and just need to be left alone?…Indiana pays these people to solve problems for the many not the one or the baby deer?


  1. Couldn’t agree more on the CCO’s comments on this whole deer fiasco! Is this really the BEST use of our legislators’ time??? There are so many more important issues and real policies to address and govern. It is very true that stories like this DO make us a laughing stock as CCO points out above.

    • The politicians created the bureaucracy that caused the problem. They should solve it. This just further underscores how good-intentioned laws can often lead to problems, particularly when the officers charged with enforcing them show no wisdom or discretion and just apply the letter of the law equally in all cases.

      Somehow they have a law on the books that says in the interest of not harming the little deer, the State will have to kill it.

  2. I’m sure to be slammed on this. But who cares According to history Adolph Hitler did a lot of good in his first years as chancellor of Germany , he started Volkswagen and other factories alike , he got their economy doing real good But his mental health went south and thus he took power to the gutters killing all who weren’t true Caucasian or were Jews ( not his perfect race ) in his first years as ruler he was actually brilliant then went overboard stupid

    • The power of a government to print money can create the illusion of prosperity for a while. Adoring fans, a charismatic leader, and a printing press is a dangerous combination. I can’t tell if it is Germany in the 30’s or the USA today. There are lots of parallels but the scariest is the hoard of devoted zombies who do not hold leadership accountable.

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