We hope that today’s “Readers Forum” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?


In the private sector when a person is accused of illegally taking funds from an existing business to pay personal debts, your arrested for misappropriation of funds.

In Evansville when a person is working at a non-profit business and is accused of illegally taking funds from an existing non-profit business to pay personal debts you’re let go and the former employer wishes you well.


Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Do you that you are better off today than last year?

Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE Files, CHANNEL 44 NEWS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.

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  1. I wish I could get a job managing a monopoly that gets bought out. I need a piece of that $31 million that Jon Webb wrote about Carl Chapman of Vectren getting his hands on if he is not retained. Why would he want to be retained with a greasy handshake like that. The execs there must be fighting over who will be lucky enough to be let go.

  2. – US Economic Expansion Drops to 2.3% –
    Wall Street Journal, April 27, 2018 – WASHINGTON—U.S. economic growth slowed in the first quarter, as consumers reined in spending. Gross domestic product—the value of all goods and services produced in the U.S., adjusted for inflation—rose at an annual rate of just 2.3% for the months of January through March, the Commerce Department said Friday, a slowdown from the 3% rate. The slowdown suggested that businesses received the benefit from the $1.5 trillion tax cut passed by Congress in December, and the tax cut’s effect was substandard for US households and workers. Consumer spending—which makes up nearly 70% of U.S. economic output—rose at the slowest pace in nearly five years in the first quarter.

    The Federal Reserve expects economic output to expand by just 2.7% for the year as a whole.

    The current expansion, which began in mid-2009 under President Barack Obama, is the third-longest on record and set to become the second-longest in May.

    • Doesn’t spending always slow down in Q1 as people pay off their credit card bills from holiday shopping? Merry Christmas! Damn it feels good to be able to say that.

      • One of the classic “well, Trump MAGA was kind of important, but those pesky credit cards, you know…”
        I’ve heard bullsh-t before in here, but THAT takes the cheese Ghost.
        Ghost, all this time you’ve had no teeth and couldn’t read?

        • That isn’t the “real Ghost.”
          #1. The real Ghost wouldn’t lie.
          #2, The real Ghost would never endorse Trump’s lies and thieving.

      • You’re right Ghost. Don’t forget state and federal tax. Liberals really don’t understand Christmas, family and gift given. Aborted babies don’t receive gifts but they come back in later years and burden their would be parents with shame and guilt.

        • BS #2 tonight from News.
          Tip off? You had to bring abortion into the conversation.
          Which shows everyone here……the moment the Trump fans HAVE TO ACKNOWLEDGE Trump has destroyed the growth of the economy, they will switch to “…yes, the economy sucks. But I agree with him on abortion.”
          BS. Pure BS answer News.

  3. I “heard” the interest on our debt from the Afghan and Iraqi wars was going to be 1 trillion dollars by 2020. So I looked it up and the interest was $497 billion at the end of 2016.

    I also “heard” that since the Good Ole USA has only been a free and legitimate nation for 235 years, at least 200 of them we have been at war, sometimes a short war, but mostly consumed.


    Financing a war entirely with debt while cutting taxes—is unprecedented in U.S. history, with the only comparable case occurring during the Revolutionary War, when the U.S. colonies borrowed money from France and the Netherlands. After that conflict, U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton justified the loans as “the price of liberty” for a cash-strapped country confronting an emergency. But he also said it was vital to promptly repay the debt and assert America’s creditworthiness—a goal the young nation soon achieved. “[I]t is easy to conceive how immensely the expences of a nation, in a course of time, will be augmented by an unsound state of the public credit,” Hamilton wrote.

    And now Mop Head, (Because of campaign contributions from Sheldon Adelson), wants to pick a fight with Iran but would be willing to give North Korea the exact same deal and declare victory.

    And for some God forsaken reason we believe all the other countries are nuts.

    Oh Well;



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