Working together to put Hoosiers to work


In late November, I wrote a column about a new spirit of bipartisanship that I saw around the Statehouse. I am pleased that the cooperation between both parties is carrying over into the legislative session. A great example of this cooperation is House Bill (HB) 1002, which is authored by Speaker Brian Bosma (R-Indianapolis) and Democrat Minority Leader Scott Pelath (D-Michigan City). The two caucus leaders are working together on a bill that will create more jobs for Hoosiers.

HB 1002 establishes the Indiana Career Council that fulfills a variety of different needs for Hoosiers. 1) The council would facilitate greater cooperation and cohesion between different participants around the state in the areas of education, job skills, development and career training; 2) It would prepare the state’s education and skill development system to better fit the state’s job market and career system; 3) It would oversee the Indiana Workforce Intelligence System, which would keep track of employment data; and 4) It would submit recommendations to the General Assembly regarding changes to the state’s education, job skills and career training system.

Members of the council would include:

•Governor (Chair)
•Lieutenant Governor (Vice-Chair)
•Commissioner of the Indiana Department of Workforce Development
•Secretary of Commerce for the Indiana Economic Development Corporation
•Commissioner of the Commission for Higher Education
•Secretary of the Family and Social Services Administration
•State Superintendent of Public Instruction
•President of Ivy Tech College
•One member representing business community interests (appointed by the Governor)
•One member representing manufacturing interests (appointed by the Governor)
•One member representing labor interests (appointed by the Governor)
•Two advisory members appointed by the Speaker (cannot be from same political party)
•Two advisory members appointed by the Pro Tem (cannot be from same political party)

HB 1002 is a very important jobs bill, and I am thrilled that it has bipartisan support. I look forward to continued discussions on this bill and other solutions for lowering Indiana unemployment rate. HB 1002 is just a part of our larger agenda that is focused on job creation.

Another one of our big priorities is bridging Indiana’s skills gap. Employers are in need of skilled labor, but there is a shortage of people in the workforce who have the necessary skills to fill these positions. To remedy the situation, we are looking to better support and improve career and technical education in high schools, increase and support dual credit programs, target investments on training programs with high potential and strengthen partnerships between industry and higher education.

Every step of the way we work with willing members of the other party to accomplish these agenda items. If our efforts are successful, I believe that we can make Indiana even stronger.