Cheryle Musgrave
Cheryl Musgrave, candidate for State Representative in House District 77, announced today that she had been endorsed by the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB). The NFIB is the nation’s largest association of small businesses.

“This endorsement is especially important to me,” said Musgrave. “The three major issues in this race are jobs, jobs, and jobs, and the growth of small businesses is a vital component of increasing the jobs in Indiana. The NFIB is the voice of small businesses in Indiana.”

In announcing the endorsement in Evansville yesterday Barbara Quandt, the state NFIB director, stated, “Cheryl has great instincts and we’re really looking forward to working with her in the Legislature. She understands small business and she knows that in order to boost our economy we have to cut taxes and reduce regulations.”

“This endorsement highlights the contrast between me and my opponent,” Musgrave said. “I believe we need to do all we can to increase private sector jobs, keeping taxes low, reducing government regularion and interference, and boosting a great educational system. Rep. Riecken received a failing grade from both the NFIB and the state Chamber of Commerce for her anti-jobs votes in the General Assembly.”

Musgrave was earlier endorsed by both the Indiana State Chamber of Commerce and the Indiana Manufacturer’s Association.