Home archived-iit “IS IT TRUE” APRIL 18, 2018

“IS IT TRUE” APRIL 18, 2018


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE that a new development is planned for Downtown Evansville? …that the development will be called “POST HOUSE?” …this will be a residential and commercial project located between the Old Post Office, Old Greyhound Bus station building, and Fifth Third Bank’s tower? …this project will be developed by Scannell Properties of Indianapolis.
IS IT TRUE if all the bureaucratic approvals are granted this development could receive around $9 million dollars from Indiana’s Regional Cities program?  … it’s been rumored that this project may cost around $50 to $60 million dollars to build? …we wonder how much the Evansville DMD and the Winnecke administration have quietly committed towards this project?  … there is currently no construction timeline for this project?   …this proposed project includes sub-ground parking, will have around 17,000 square feet of retail space on the lower level and 144 apartments on the upper floors?  …this project has a lot of bureaucratic hoops to jump through before it can even begin?  …because of the location of this project, the developers may encounter numerous unexpected infrastructure and environmental challenges that will add expensive change orders to the project?  …the developer better be prepared to pay for the site and architectural design work out of pocket because it may take awhile for them to receive approval from the Evansville Redevelopment Commission, a release from the Indiana Department of Homeland Security and the Indiana Regional Cities group?
IS IT TRUE at yesterdays County Commission meeting Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave voted no to approving the February and March account payable vouchers and two professional services claims? …Commissioners Ungethiem and Shoulders voted in favor of paying the above claims declaring that they were incorporated in the 2018 County Commission budget?
IS IT TRUE that County Commissioner Musgrave voted no to allowing BINGO to continue to take place every Friday evening at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum?….Mrs. Musgrave claimed she didn’t want “gambling” to continue at this county facility?  ….that Commissioners Ungethiem and Shoulders voted yes to continue allowing Bingo to be held at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum? …they claimed that Bingo is the number one income producing event held at the Coliseum?  ..Commissioners Ungethiem and Shoulders believed that without Bingo being allowed to be played at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum the facility would have to shut down?
IS IT TRUE if you compare the financial reports of the City of Evansville from March 31, 2016, to March 31, 2017, you will find that the City of Evansville employee hospitalization expenses has increased by several millions of dollars?  …we are told by reliable sources that serious financial troubles are just around the corner for the City of Evansville because of the out of control city employee health care costs?
IS IT TRUE during his last year in office City Councilman John Friend, CPA sponsored a “separation of funds ordinance” in order to ensure that the City Controller would not manipulate general fund balances?  … upon the urging of the City Controller and the former City Council Finance Chairman, Dan McGinn the newly elected City Council voted to repeal of this ordinance?  ...that the money collected from all sources are now put into one fund account which makes it extremely hard to track on how much money is in each city account?
IS IT TRUE that on December 31, 2019, the Indiana State Board of Accounts will be requiring that all cities must use the accrual method of accounting?  …that Ft. Wayne, South Bend, and Indy have been using the accrual method of accounting for a number of years?
IS IT TRUE it time for the At-Large City Councilman and Finance Chairman Jonathan Weaver, to request the Winnecke administration to begin to implement a spending reduction plan? …on January 1, 2012, the City of Evansville operational funds (collectively) had a beginning balance of $32,146,610.80?   …as of January 1, 2018, that the operational funds (collectively) balance was $6,414,918.62? …from January 1, 2012, to January 1, 2018, the operational account was reduced by $25,731,692?  … January 1, 2018, operational fund balance also included the unauthorized $12,500,000 transfer by the City Controller from the Riverboat Fund?
IS IT TRUE many of our readers are still wondering why City Councilman John Hayden, CPA, and CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner) is so eager to release $500,000 of Federal and State money to ECHO Housing before the results of EPD Police Investigation and Forensic audit are made public?  …all we can say is we have no idea why Mr. Hayden wants to release these funds and recommend that you contact him personally to find out the answer? …that the Forensic audit on ECHO Housing started yesterday and will take a month to complete?
Todays “Readers Poll” question is: If the election for the United States Senate was held today who would you vote for?
Please take time and read our articles entitled “Statehouse Files, Channel 44 News, Daily Devotions, Law enforcement, Readers Poll, Birthdays, Hot Jobs, and Local Sports.

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  1. Here’s what happen when you have open borders for what Barack Hussein Obama called “the religion of peace.” Thankfully we now have a Commander-in-Chief, instead of a clown Community Organizer-in-Chief:

    “STOCKHOLM — Sweden may be known for its popular music, IKEA and a generous welfare state. It is also increasingly associated with a rising number of Islamic State recruits, bombings and hand grenade attacks….

    Gang-related gun murders, now mainly a phenomenon among men with immigrant backgrounds in the country’s parallel societies, increased from 4 per year in the early 1990s to around 40 last year. Because of this, Sweden has gone from being a low-crime country to having homicide rates significantly above the Western European average. Social unrest, with car torchings, attacks on first responders and even riots, is a recurring phenomenon….


    • I think you’re ignorant of the fact that Trump has not done a thing to build a border wall Joe. That’s who you should address this unfocused predictable diatribe to.

      • DB, please take your meds and try to focus. The border wall is coming in segments despite the usual opposition from loony Sanctuary States, left-wing tree huggers, Hollywood actors, Pinko Professors and illegal Mexicans:

        “ROMA, Texas — Stymied by Congress and the courts, President Trump has struggled to make good on his signature campaign promises to build a wall and stop migrants. But there is at least one place where his vision is becoming reality: the sinuous lower Rio Grande Valley, scene of more unauthorized crossings than any other stretch between the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico…


        • go sell that swampland somewhere else biden
          ann coulter is right
          trump is lying about the border wall, and so are you

          • Facts present an inconvenient truth to Liberalism, which really is a mental disorder in which feelings outweigh both facts and logical thinking. Let’s hear the left wing response to the FACT that the enlightened and nonjudgmental Sanctuary Cities are purposely letting criminal gang members loose rather than have the gang members deported by ICE:
            “Dozens of gang members, some of whom belonged to the notorious MS-13, were shielded from deportation and released due to “sanctuary” policies last year, according to newly released stats from the Department of Homeland Security.

            The revelation could jolt the escalating “sanctuary” debate, especially in California where many of those gang members were located.

            “Two-thirds of the releases occurred in California, which has had a strict sanctuary policy in effect since January 2014,” the Center for Immigration Studies said in a post on the data, pointing to “obvious public safety problems.” ”


          • Joe:
            You’re wearing a dunce cap today.
            You’re complaining about sanctuary cities, and TRUMP signed the last massive budget PRESERVING sanctuary cities funding!

    • Crime is under reported by both law enforcement and the media. A few weeks ago the jail had 810 inmates and there are thousands of criminal on parole, probation and other monitoring. It would take a full time crime reporter to keep citizens of Evansville abreast of the local crime scene. I want Trump to get his big beautiful but I view it as ineffective. All the walls in the world wouldn’t have stopped Zoe Pound from getting a foothold in Evansville.

  2. Muslim Professor Cheers Death of Former First Lady Barbara Bush “Happy the Witch is Dead”.

    …The hateful professor at Fresno State, however, cheered Mrs. Bush’s death then doubled down and wished for the ‘rest of the Bush family to fall to their demise.’…The hate-filled Muslim professor seemed angry about the condolences offered after the country lost a First Lady, calling Barbara Bush a “racist.”


  3. Getting rid of city employee health care coverage should be a priority. With the passage of the ACA, insurance is affordable and available for all. Increase the salaries of the employees to help offset the benefit and let them all get their own coverage through Ambetter. When people actually see how much health care costs and have their own funds in the mix, I believe they’ll be more frugal and overall better stewards of their health care.

    • WWE, thanks for the laugh of the day with this gem “With the passage of the ACA, insurance is affordable….” LOL

      • healthcare cost issues are not going away. trump is doing nothing to reduce costs, in fact, they are accelerating at a much higher rate because it is left unaddressed

        • Dan if you recall, the President attempted to address health care and the Dems and Rinos blocked all attempts to repeal and replace…

        • Obama and the dems “addressed” health care. Threw trillions of taxpayer dollars at it. Obamacare is still the law of the land. How can there be a problem?

  4. A new development in downtown Evansville.
    Folks, that’s great news. Whining there may or may not be strings attached is amateur hour. No development, especially urban development, comes without strings attached. Coffee drinking, have nothing else to do, benchwarmers will always complain. Its what they do. And they do it while professionals get things done.

  5. For all of the people that don’t support our President,do everyone a favor and leave ,go to the country in which you feel they have a better leader ,,,,just do it

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