We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
IS IT TRUE at last night City Council the ECHO Interim Director Chris Metz and the Director of the Evansville DMD, Kelley Courses tried in vain to convince members of the Evansville City Council that all is well with the finances of ECHO Housing?  …the majority of the members of City Council seemly didn’t believe them?  …that DMD Director Courses surprized members of Council when he casually stated that one of the ECHO housing projects had a $70,000 cost overrun?  …when all said and done we wouldn’t be surprized if the police investisgation and Forensic audit figure for questionable spending of ECHO Housing may be in the high six figure range?
IS IT TRUE we are pleased that the current ECHO Housing Board President Dane Chandler publically admitted that statement made by the City-County Observer concerning the board policy that allowed the past Executive Director of ECHO Housing to write agency checks under $599 with only her signature was totally spot on?
IS IT TRUE at last nights City Council meeting the At-large City Councilman and Finance Chairman Jonathan Weaver stated that the City Council should have been kept more informed about the financial problems facing ECHO Housing?  …the majority of the other Council members seemly agreed with Mr. Weaver’s remarks?  …we were taken by surprized that 3rd Ward Councilman John Hayden, CPA agreed with the majority of comments made by the DMD Director and ECHO Interim Director Chris Metz?  …that Mr. Weaver surprized those in attendance when said he had “low confidence” in the ability of ECHO Interim Director Chris Metz to run the agency?  …many of those in attendance seemly agreed with him?  …we were impressed with the way that At-Large City Councilman and Finance Chairman took on ECHO Interim Director Chris Metz and the Director of the Evansville DMD, Kelley Courses when they tried to convince members of the Evansville City Council that all is well with the finances of ECHO Housing
IS IT TRUE that several Council members stated that they are going to wait to make a decision about releasing the funds to ECHO Housing until the findings of the Forensic audit are made public? …Chris Metz and Kelly Courses tried to use scare tactics on members of Council by stating that withholding funds could have negative consequences for ongoing ECHO Housing supported projects?   …we found it interesting that the current ECHO Housing Board president Dane Chandler told Council members that  “We’re here to be transparent, give you what you want?”  …it was obvious that the majority of the members of Council felt that his remarks were too little to late?
IS IT TRUE we give five (5) cheers to City Council persons Jonathon Weaver, Justin Elpers, Missy Mosby, Connie Robinson, and Michelle Mercer for not only standing up for the taxpayers of this community but also for the at-risk clients of ECHO Housing?  …we are disappointed in 3rd Ward City Councilman John Hayden, CPA for seemly believing everything told him about the current economic status of ECHO Housing?  …many people sitting in the audience were pleased that his plea asking Council to approve giving ECHO Housing the $500,000 fail deaf ears?  …we are told by people in the know that this could hurt Mr. Haydens chances of being re-elected to his 3rd Ward Council seat?
IS IT TRUE we respectfully suggest that members of City Council Councilman take the bull by the horns and create an ordinance giving the Evansville City Council full authority to re-organize the make-up of the current ECHO Housing Board of Directors?  …we hope by doing so this will allow Council members to appoint new ECHO Board members that will be good stewards of the public trust?
IS IT TRUE that when one starts to wonder why Evansville has a difficult time keeping talented people one should look no further than the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau where the last two people to hold the CEO job have left town before the ink was dry on their last paycheck?…the most recent person in charge of the ECVB was Bob Warren who is reportedly packing his bags for a sunnier place after his predecessor headed off to Iowa after being treated so shabbily by former Mayor Weinzapfel that the CVB had to pay her a settlement?
IS IT TRUE the same goes for the local Chamber of Commerce as the last three CEO’s have headed for Lexington, Waco, and Chattanooga faster than lickety split?…when it comes to economic development a similar exit path is taken as GAGE has now had six leaders in its 11 year existence and it’s predecessor organization had 3 leaders in the prior 5 years meaning 9 people have headed the same function over a 19 year period?…all of the previous people have left town with the exception of one who passed away shortly after leaving office?…when it comes to keeping good people in impactful positions greater Evansville really seems to be challenged to keep anyone for more than a few years? ..maybe its time to hire locally because when people live here and retire they are apt to stay here?
IS IT TRUE that the Courier and Press ran an article similar to last week IS IT TRUE about the financial challenges facing the Evansville Thunderbolts and the Ford Center?…they pointed out as the CCO did that in spite of being a playoff team for the first time in years that the attendance is disappointing and the financial performance is abysmal?…the C&P praised the Ford Center for bringing in $439,000 in revenue (they called it profits) but questioned the $125,000 loss that was reported for the first two months of 2018 that resulted because the Ford Center had $564,000 in expenses during the same time period?…there was one small problem with the calculation and that is the fact that the payment on the building is not included in the operating performance?…if the accounting choices included,paying for the note the real situation is that the Ford Center lost nearly $1.5 million in 2 months and are tracking toward another $9 million annual loss?
IS IT TRUE that for the six and a half years since opening, the Ford Center has consumed close to $60 million when both operating losses and payments on the building are considered? …that is an unbelievable departure from the break-even analysis used by the Weinzapfel Administration to, convince the Evansville City Council to, go along with a downtown Arena? …furthermore, the Weinzapfel claim was that a hotel would come downtown without an incentive if only an arena was announced? …within the next two years without a miracle, the Ford Center will cross the $100 million rubicons for dollars taken from the general funds that should have been used to repair the dilapidated sewers, the pothole-filled roads, or the archaic water mains?…Evansville’s leaders once again chose a fun and games project that is losing massive amounts of money over what was projected and let the real problems continue to fester?
IS IT TRUE that the new Starbucks slated for opening in downtown Evansville any day now has been delayed until June?…it should be remembered that there was once a Starbucks in downtown Evansville and it was closed down?…there was also a boutique coffee shop called La Sombra in Innovation Pointe that closed voluntarily where the Honeybaked Ham store is now?…La Sombra was a world-class coffee shop and it didn’t make in downtown Evansville?…we wish Starbucks luck this time around? …that a restaurant called the “Daily Grind” has just opened in downtown Evansville and has a large selection of delicious gourmet coffee on their menu?  …we highly recommend that stop by and not only enjoy the great food prepared by the “Daily Grind” chef but have a great cup of java?
IS IT TRUE The Indiana Bar Exam passage rate is continuing its downward trend, with only 47 percent of all takers passing in February 2018, according to results released Monday. The rate is a decline from February 2017’s results, when 52 percent of takers passed?
IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Property Tax Bills are being mailed Monday, April 9th, 2018?  …the Deadline is May 10th, 2018?
Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Should City Council should give Federal and State tax dollars to EHO Housing without knowing the findings of the police investigation and the Forensic audit?
Please take time and read our articles entitled “Statehouse Files, Channel 44 News, Daily Devotions, Law enforcement, Readers Poll, Birthdays, Hot Jobs, and Local Sports.

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  1. Wow, what an information filled IIT! The first thing that jumps out is:

    “that DMD Director Coures surprised members of Council when he casually stated that one of the ECHO housing projects had a $70,000 cost overrun? ”

    Say what?? A $70,000 cost overrun and no prior notice to the Council?

    Also saw on the news last night that the McCurdy apartment building is still discharging water into the sewers at the rate of nearly 300 gallons per minute. The City has filed a $1.5 million lien against the McCurdy for their unpaid sewer bills, that liability continues to grow by the minute. The City needs to shut off sewer access to the McCurdy if they cant shut off their water for fire sprinkler protection.

  2. Great article today. Any organization operating with local, state and federal monies, like ECHO, need a Board of Directors with the back ground to handle the responsibility. It is so obvious, this has not been the case. The ECVB and COC need local talent. As is apparent, the outsiders flee as soon as they realize the crap they have to put up with rears it’s ugly head. I am tired of the Fraud Center and the lies told and continuing to be told. Oh, by the way, love Alabama, but don’t see them filling up the arena. So the med school and hotel, we the tax payers own as well, have not done a damn thing for the Fraud. Let’s see, coffee shops should be a given money maker. Only time people are down town is to work 8-5 and they all need coffee. Guess since so many law grads can’t pass the Bar, that means the down town population is going down quickly.

  3. Like it or not, the raid on Trump’s attorney was a Snegal if not downright illegal. Again, Rod the Rosenass found a liberal judge to sign a worthless warrant. Like all of this investigation, “fruit of the poisonous tree”. I don’t care that Trump has had affairs, good God, find an asshole in DC who hasn’t. What the f–k does that have to do with collusion,
    obstruction or the rest of the baseless charges? Shut it down. Rosenass is the cog in the wheel, not Mullidiot. Trump should fire all, right now, and tell the liberal left Libtards, to put up or shut up. How about we investigate the real treasonous asshole Democratic left or Republican pussies starting with Obummer, Chuckles and Nanzy Pansy.

  4. Many nefarious acts will be exposed by the EPD if they look deep enough into what has gone on at Echo Housing for many years. Like Washington Court before them, this has been a conduit for greasing cronies with lucrative construction jobs and expensive change orders. The Tenbarge woman’s pilfering will be the tip of the iceberg. She probably watched the graft so long that it drove her crazy enough to dip her hand into the till too.

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