We hope that today’s “Readers Forum” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?


We find that yesterdays joint TV appearance on Channel 44 concerning ECHO HOUSING problems very interesting. Please take time and review the Channel 44 News interview featuring newly appointed ECHO Housing Executive Director Chris Metz and Metropolitan Development Executive Director, Kelly Coures. Tell us what you think about this Channel 44 interview.?


Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that the current ECHO Housing board members were not good stewards of the public trust and should be immediately replaced?

Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE Files, CHANNEL 44 NEWS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.

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  1. So is the genius City of Evansville still providing the McCurdy with City water and the McCurdy still dumping that water in the sewers??

    • Must be. The $1.5 million lawsuit amounts to over $1000 per month per apartment. The situation as it is, makes the McCurdy useless to an investor. No one is going to pay $2,500 per month to live there and that is the minimum it would take to cover the operating costs and pay the note. The McCurdy as we know it is dead unless this is fixed and fixed fast.

  2. Garvin “lofts”? “Promise Zone”? Lots of explaining needed from ECHO and DMD, to include the infamous “Land Bank.”

  3. For those of you wondering why the loony left is traumatized by the 2020 Census asking people residing in America if they are American citizens, here is the real reason: Sanctuary states filled with illegal aliens will lose congressional seats. Kudos to the Trump administration for this common sense and pro-American inquiry.
    The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is the latest left-wing organization to lambast the Commerce Department’s decision to begin asking United States residents on the 2020 Census if they are American citizens.

    This week, President Trump’s administration announced in a historic decision that it would put the citizenship question back on the U.S. Census — a question that has not been included since 1950 — a move that will provide Americans with more accurate data on unemployment, the number of citizens in the country, and a better look into the foreign-born population…..

    CAIR — an organization that has repeatedly defended suspected terrorists — says that merely asking U.S. residents if they are citizens is a “white supremacist agenda.” The organization wrote in a statement, “This is yet another political move by the Trump administration to implement its white supremacist agenda and to drag our nation back to the false ‘white paradise’ of the 1950s.”

    If Congress were to decide to only count citizens — based on the 2020 Census figures — in congressional redistricting, a state like California with an estimated three million illegal alien population would potentially lose four to five congressional seats.


    • Barack Hussein Obama sued the state of Arizona to prevent them from enforcing Arizona’s recently passed immigration law. Said it was only the federal government who could enforce immigration laws, even though he refused to enforce them.
      Now comes another radical left wing dem, Jerry “moonbeam” Brown, telling the feds enforcing immigration laws to get out of California. Illegal aliens are welcome; U.S. federal agents aren’t.
      It’s time to get serious. There is NO justification for allowing those who come here illegally to stay. None. Enforce current law. Problem solved. The alternative is complete loss of sovereignty and the demise of our country.And for those who say “we are a nation of immigrants”, I say learn the difference between an immigrant and an illegal alien.

  4. The McCurdy is not plumbed like newer buildings. The main feed into the building feeds both the domestic and fire protection. Newer buildings are required to have two seperate feeds. This problem was well known by the water department. You are not allowed by law to turn off fire protection in a occupied building. Why this was not fixed during the rehab I do not know. Also many local factories have sewer meters. Independent testing services are available. They cost a few thousand but in this case I would consider it.

    • If I remember correctly when this first started the water dept. wanted to look at this system and Kunkel refused to give them access to that area. My question is why did the inspector go ahead and issue a Certificate of Occupancy if this wasn’t settled to the water dept. satisfaction.

      • If the City is continuing to supply the McCurdy with water that continues to go into the sewers, shame on the City.

  5. Same old crap different day! Evansville, aka little Chicago, where the tax payers take a beating daily. I expect the ECHO mess will further add to the city’s status!!!!!

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