We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE that the floods of February 2018 are expected to crest today at levels that have not been seen since the big flood of 1997?…the age of drones has made many pictures available that never have been and the extent of the water is devastating?…for the first time many of us have seen the locks at Newburgh’s dam completely submerged?…the last time this happened an old outhouse floated up and was deposited right next to the Riverwalk in downtown Newburgh?…we had better hope that a big freeze does not happen as that will wreak havoc in all areas of the Tri-State?…we encourage our readers to be very careful in dealing with the flood waters?

IS IT TRUE the organization of CAJE (Congregation Acting for Justice and Empowerment) worked jointly with Aurora to advocate for a new caseworker position at Aurora last year?  …we commend Vanderburgh County Commissioners Ben Shoulders, Cheryl Musgrave and Bruce Ungethiem for continuing to work with both CAJE and Aurora to find funding for this much-needed position?

IS IT TRUE that the company that owns the Evansville Courier and Press is a nationwide conglomerate called Gannet?…Mole #3 tells the City-County Observer that Gannet has  recently sold the building that the Courier and Press has been in for many years to a New York-based real estate investment company and that much of the building will be refurbished and leased out as offices?…that the remaining space will be leased by the Courier and Press for offices?…Mole #3 says the Courier and Press in print circulation have continued to decline over the years?…that our mole also says that Gannet is planning to convert the Courier Press into a successful digital platform? …we hope if the Courier and Press decide to take this route that it will generate sufficient advertising dollars to support this kind of news operation?  …we also hope that the Courier and Press will continue to print the news on a daily basis?  …if Mole #3 is correct we hope that the majority of the Courier and Press staff will remain intact because they have some outstanding writers in their employment?

IS IT TRUE at Monday evening City Council meeting our “First Amendment Rights” took a step backward?  …that the Council voted 6-3 to keep the “3 Minutes Censorship Rule” that was created by the former City Council President Missy Mosby (D)? …at Mondays Council meeting the current Council President Jim Brinkmeyer (D) decided to keep this rule intact?  …we are told that Missy Mosby (D), Jim Brinkmeyer (D), Dan McGinn (I), Michelle Mercer (R), Jonathan Weaver (D), Dr. Dan Adams better get ready to vigorously defend why they felt compelled to continue to limit our freedom of speech during the next city election?

IS IT TRUE that the Ohio Valley Conference Basketball Tournament is poised to start action at the Ford Center this week?…this is a curious choice by the league as the closest member of the OVC is more than a hundred miles from Evansville?…there will be no such thing as a home game for any of the teams and the only team with any sort of alumni base in greater Evansville is the Murray State Racers?…the Ford Center is sort of centrally located with respect to where these teams are from an east/west perspective but when north/south locations are considered the center of mass for these campuses is way further south?…this tournament has traditionally been played in Nashville, TN where one team is located and two others are within an hour’s drive?…the attendance count for this tournament will be interesting to see as the last time a tournament with no home team came to Evansville, the attendance was only in the hundreds in an arena

IS IT TRUE last week The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) Nominating Committee submitted three nominees for consideration by Governor Eric J. Holcomb for appointment to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission?  …those three nominees are: Stefanie Krevda, IURC Executive Director of External Affairs,  State Rep. David Ober and Tristan Vance, Indiana Office of Energy Development Director?  …the committee has nominated these three candidates to fill the current vacancy on the IURC created by the retirement of Commissioner Jim Atterholt? … Gov. Holcomb will select one of the three nominees to serve the remainder of Atterholt’s term, which expires Jan. 31, 2020?  …we are puzzled why one of the finalists wasn’t from this area?

IS IT TRUE that it was reported Tuesday afternoon that a gas leak was reported at 3rd and Locust streets in downtown Evansville very close to the City of Evansville parking garage that is not worth the current encumbered debt?…the financial analysis of the value of the dilapidated garage has not changed?…any astute business person will require a payment from the City of at least $500,000 to assume all of the repairs and obligations that come from owning a neglected parking structure? …this is a great example of the shortfalls of a TIF project?

Todays “Readers Poll” question” Is: Do you support the three (3) four-year consecutive term limit idea now being discussed by City Council?
Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE Files, CHANNEL 44 NEWS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.
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  1. “we hope that the majority of the Courier and Press staff will remain intact because they have some outstanding writers in their employment?”
    Must have missed this. I didn’t know the Courier & Pravda employed writers; I thought they fired/laid/early retired all of them and only retained some pitiful interns and hackneyed old-timers on their staff?

  2. “compelled to continue to limit our freedom of speech…” It is deplorable that the CCO can’t get their “facts” straight. The freedom speech was not limited Monday night; only the length of time for speaking in front of City Council was not made unlimited. I advocated for a relaxation of the three-minute rule to allow four or five minutes, as I believe that time span to be too restrictive. A through online search reveals NO DATA that proclaims ANY time limits of “free Speech” to be unconstitutional. Dr Adams

    • So Doc, weren’t you okay with sneaking $200,000 to Earthcare Energy in a secret meeting? You voted for that nonsense. Having a safe space for elected officials so they can collude with each other without public scrutiny is just wrong.

      • Sorry not disappoint…but i DO agree with your question…rare as it is. The $200 K was given w/o my knowledge, as I was not present at the meeting. I will admit that I fell in love with the Archimedes Screw principle of the gas-step down for electricity generation machine. BUT when I felt the company appeared slowly to be over touted, I asked a Houston TX friend of mine to go by the Earth Care corporate offices…and he found they did not exist at the address. I then did notify all after that and pulled my support. Doc

        • Come on Doc, you could have checked with the patent office and known they were lying about the patent they claimed to have in a two minutes. You keep getting the wool pulled over your eyes by these crooks that come to Evansville to find an easy mark. You got the wool pulled over your eyes by Weinzapfel’s personal consultant that said the Ford Center would pay it’s own way too. That was a $9 Million per year mistake. It’s cost the general fund $54 million so far and we are still almost $125 million in debt. You voted for that nonsense. You also voted to give a hotel $29 million taxpayer dollars. How’s that working out. Last but not least you were in a conflict of interest position on the medical school but you still voted to give some unknown group $60 million. Good thing Stephanie figured out the Earthcare Scam or you would have been on the hook for a real crapstorm. Did the city ever get that $200,000 that Steve Schafer gave Earthcare back or was hat just a lost spin of the wheel?

          • Has Mr. Schafer collected the $750K water bill from McCurdy/Kunkles?? Might help offset losses from the EarthCare scam.

        • Adams is correct for not knowing about the $200,000 advancement. This little ditty occurred in the Bond Bank meeting conducted by Eager, the dude that lives in Newburgh and was the than president. However, unfortunately the Council’s rep, Ms Robinson failed to notify the council in the entirety about the transaction prior to the $5,000,000 loan vote net of the 200k. The aye votes came from O’Daniel (after he was lobby in the lobby at the break)Adams, Robinson, Mosby, and of course Mosby . . she said, “we need jobs” . . but Dr. Adams did say, “I wish I could invest in this deal” . . .btw, we have yet to receive a dime of this money . . .

  3. Let’s not think of it as our First Amendment rights taking a step backward. Let’s embrace it as reasonable speech control.

  4. Eliminate the Health insurance from these “part time jobs” and the term limit issue goes away. Part time with full time health insurance – nice gig if you can get it. I can see why these folks want to be lifers, just like Congress. The apathy is deafening. Wake up little sheep.

  5. If Gannet wants a profitable platform with a large following they should just buy the CCO.

  6. In Kentucky, a school board just UNANIMOUSLY voted to protect their students. EVSC??????

    Teachers could soon be carrying concealed guns inside schools in Pike County under a proposal that was preliminarily approved Monday evening by the Pike County School Board.

    The unanimous decision came after the board heard concerns about school safety from teachers, parents and administrators during a town hall meeting at Pike County Central High School.

    • Schools cannot wait for either state or fed gov’t to act. Each school has different security needs and it s up yo the Super and Board to make sure it happens. Those in parkland boasted they went to that school because they felt safe there. So you see, any school can be next. We have to be sure our are safe. The pols only care about their NRA ratings.

  7. Regulator, this is perfect for you:

    “President Donald Trump’s campaign has released a new “American Dreamer” hat as part of their growing collection.

    “We all want to live the American dream and our 45th President is helping to make that dream a reality for each and every American,” description of the hat reads. “With our American Dreamer Hat you can show that you believe we can Make America Great Again.”

    The hat is made in the USA and includes an American flag on the side and a #MAGA hashtag on the back.”

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