We hope that today’s “Readers Forumâ€Â will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
Todays “Readers Poll” question†Is: Do you feel that its time that the masses assemble in Washinton DC to protest the need to change our current gun laws?
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Here’s an article estimating that it would cost $251 Million to arm 718,000 teachers to protect students. 718,000 is 1 in 5 teachers (20%). That seems a fair estimate as the majority of public school teachers will loudly oppose and possibly strike from protecting students (and themselves) in political protest to this idea championed by Trump and the NRA. There will be more volunteer public school teachers in rural areas, Red states and far, far fewer volunteer public school teachers in blue states, Demo controlled cities with strong teachers unions, and Sanctuary Cities. Compare that $251 Million to the estimated projected cost for 6-8 school guards at each school of $12-50 Billion. For $12-50 Billion think airport TSA in all schools. Training and arming VOLUNTEER teachers is the best and most cost efficient method to protect our public school children, but it will meet the most political opposition. Very sad.
Look man. Are you gonna answer a conservative fiscal question?
You continue to refuse to answer this question:
“These are Teachers, and you’re wanting them to take on the task of defending kids against an assault rifle attack, AND IT MAKES SENSE that they are gonna have problems doing it well.
I mean – Maybe they will get scared and run for cover instead of facing down fire. Maybe they’ll screw up and kill all kinds of students while try to kill the Guy!
WHEN THEY DO mess up, are negligent and KIDS DIE under their watch, WHO PAYS for their defense in Court, and WHO PAYS the millions of dollars awarded by the Court?”
Bill M, we get it. You hate Trump, NRA, conservatives and want trained armed teacher response teams to never be implemented. But, to answer your question, States pass Good Samaritan Laws to protect teachers and any other person trying to defend from a mass casualty attack from rifle (so far no assault rifles have been used), pistol, machete, swords, improvised explosives, acids attacks, cars used as assault weapons. Remember ISIS and other Muslim Terrorists and their sympathizers are likely school attackers and they could care less about any of our laws.
ISIS on Saturday hailed the two people who massacred 14 people in Southern California this week as “supporters” of the terror group — a message that came after U.S. investigators said they suspect one of the shooters professed loyalty to the Islamist network.
The terror group’s official Iraq-based station made the declaration following Wednesday’s San Bernardino shooting that also left 21 injured, but — notable for a group quick to claim attacks — did not say the couple were members or that ISIS was responsible.
Almost 11 years ago — on September 1, 2004 — Islamist terrorists seized a school in Beslan, a provincial center in North Ossetia, a republic in southern Russia. The terrorists took more than 1,000 people hostage, more than two-thirds of whom were school children, for three days. A botched Russian assault on the school led the terrorists to designate explosives and shoot children. Ultimately, half the hostages were killed or injured.
This is fiscal. You can’t answer the damn $ question without calling people ISIS supporters Joe.
It proves you know the answer is it requires unlimited $ to do this. Totally fiscally unresponsible. YOU ARE THE BIG SPENDING LIBERAL NOW CHUMP.
Sorry, here is link to article:
$251 million dollars per year divided by 323 million United States residents is 78 cents per person per year.
The $50 billion dollars per year is about $155 per person per year (not 100% confident of that calculation).
…and that math is a FARCE.
Go back to school. You forgot that there are 10 numbers in 1 to 10 MainStreet, not just 3.
The fiscal irresponsibility of you people hoping to arm Teachers is a massive joke. Insurance costs alone are overwhelming, and your numbers include NOTHING for insurance.
L.S., please show us your math calculations. Insurance rates often drop with more protection. Homeowners and commercial insurance rates often drop with a security system and/or a security service depending on the operation.
In the same damn JB article he posted it explained what you just said is pure bullshit.
Read. Or learn to read.
MainStreet, that linked article Joe pasted here, it had insurance executives explaining that posting armed security guards throws all traditional insurance rules out the window and makes a facility and institution uninsurable.
I mean. Read something before you post.
re- Readers Poll. No. But it is time for reasonable people to protest those who take terrible tragedies such as this and use it for political gain by turning it into a war against NRA/Republicans rather than demand action TODAY to keep guns out of schools. No new law needed. Congress made schools gun-free zones in 1990 for goodness sake’s. Enforce that law. It can be done. NOW!
For my super conservative ole bro shar pie. Who as long as there is still a drop of bourbon left in the world, I know is out there somewhere.
Mop Head submitted his 2019 budget proposal cutting Medicare $236 billion and Medicaid $250 billion over the next 10 years – https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=youtube+-+trump+-+i%27m+not+touching+social+security+or+medicare&view=detail&mid=2BECA726634C2E1241752BECA726634C2E124175&FORM=VIRE
He boosts military spending up to $700 billion a year – https://www.military.com/daily-news/2016/12/06/pentagon-reportedly-buried-study-exposing-125-billion-in-waste.html
And of course throws in $18 billion for his beloved “Wall” that got him elected all adding up to a projected cool $984 billion dollar deficit next year. We’re going to borrow $955 billion this year compared to $519 billion last year. And all of this after the great “infrastructure” president’s budget is going to cut $178 billion from existing transportation funding while adding $200 billion in its’ place.
It looks like he’s banking on States to raise their gas taxes oh probably about 6 dollars a gallon to help pay for his $1.5 trillion dollar infrastructure plan. Which makes sense so he doesn’t have to dip into his tax cut he just awarded himself.
Just trying to keep you up to date on what’s going on bro. Just like you did me for 8 years until you abruptly stopped. Drink Up!
If schools remain gun free zones than it is going to cost money. Schools must have security personnel and metal detectors. Entry to a building must be restricted to those entrances. Schools have far to many doors to guard them all. All doors must be locked, alarmed if opened and a camera on each entrance. Yes, it will cost money, but like airports, schools must have similar security which means equipment and people to perform the job.
JoeBiden thinks the kids should all wear guns to school too!
Really. He thinks that’s fine too, because he posts here at the CCO while smoking dope and getting HIGH sitting in the Mesker Amphitheater seats. Crazy shit ideas from deranged brains on drugs.
While pols and the public argue over gun laws, mental health, opioids, and gang crime, the schools need security levels equal to airports and the Super bowl. Arent they just as important? Some states have, other less so. Thousands of schools, several have been caught with lax security. I bet there are more of them. I hope not. But hope and prayer arent going to stop the crazies. Get busy politicians.
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