We hope that today’s “Readers Forumâ€Â will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
Todays “Readers Poll” question†Is: Do you feel that its time that the masses assemble in Washinton DC to protest the need to change our current gun laws?
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CCO and the 67% of poll respondents (as of 8 am) who favor “changing” gun laws. Exactly how? What changes to law could prevent this from happening again?
Anyone who is kicked out of high school or drops out, should never be allowed to purchase a firearm until they go back and finish honorably. Make them steal one. That would have prevented this last massacre.
The more humanly destructive the gun, (higher capacity magazines etc.), the more intrusive the background check both mentally, taking longer and re-visited periodically. Remembering yesterdays comments, how long has it been since you heard of someone being killed with a Thompson Machine Gun?
I asked a couple gun nuts not long ago if they would be alright with a light weight hand held Gatling gun that can fire 1,000 rounds a minute to be sold over the counter. One said Hell yes, I’d buy one. The other said they already have them. Public safety never entered the conversation which is why until more sane voters out vote the nuts, the status quo is here to stay.
What’s probably going to come out of all of this is a new, powerful lobbying organization is going to spring up. The NHGA – The National Hand Grenade Association. Whose message will be for every American student to carry a hand grenade in their backpack.
Because the only way to stop a bad guy with a hand grenade, is a good guy with a hand grenade.
Believe me….
No amount of explaining to someone who insists the AR/15 should be readily available as easily as loaves of bread,
NO amount of explaining that to him that is dumb,
none of that,
will make him believe his penis is not small.
You can have one if your mentality checks out.
And after reading your comment, you obviously wouldn’t (or shouldn’t) pass until graduating from an anger management class.
Just for educational purposes, a lot of people don’t realize the AR 15 will go through the Kevlar vests most law enforcement wear. And when it does, this is the result compared to getting shot by most street weapons;
Last time I heard from you CS is a couple years ago when you made another childish comment because you thought Hillary was guilty about Benghazi. Gowdy in his final report said she wasn’t.
Well you were wrong then, and “readily available as easily as loaves of bread,” – I don’t believe you’re going to fair much better on that one either.
But time will tell. Nice hearing from you again T Minus 5 Seconds….
VERY SERIOUS QUESTION FOR THE EVSC: Will the EVSC adopt the common sense approach of these Ohio and Texas public schools that actually protect their students with trained armed voluntee rteachers and administrator if there is an active shooter? OR, will the EVSC teachers and admin. blindly follow the liberal position that it’s not their job to be security guards and ignore real student safety by lamely blaming the NRA? Which will it be EVSC?? Improved student safety, or liberal anti-Trump political grandstanding?
“When school gets back in session Monday, each building will have a number of the trained staff members who are able to access hidden gun safes, the combinations of which are known exclusively to the individual staff member and the superintendent….
The district, which serves Riverside, is the first in Montgomery County to assemble an “armed and trained response team,†said Superintendent Chad Wyen. But he said the district is part of an emerging trend.
“It’s way more prevalent than people realize,†Wyen said of the district’s decision to arm employees. “Sixty-three out of 88 counties in Ohio have a district with a response team.â€
Mad River Local Schools staff members interviewed to join the volunteer team, then attended one of two courses offering Ohio Peace Officer Training, which is the basic requirement for becoming a police officer. The team also trained at the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office gun range.
So far, Wyen said, the response has been positive. He said only one parent has called him opposed to the plan.
“There are 172 school districts in Texas that allow staff and/or board members to carry firearms on school premises, according to a statewide review of board policies by the Texas Association of School Boards….
School premises are gun-free zones, according to state and federal laws. But the laws also allow for exceptions to the general rule.
Texas school districts can choose between two plans — the Guardian Plan and the School Marshal Plan — to authorize employees to carry a firearm on school property. Debate around arming teachers and staff has surged in response to the recent school shootings.
Teachers and staff had to undergo a mental health evaluation and 80 hours of training by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement to carry a weapon at district campuses, Kelly said, adding each petition to carry also has to be approved by the school board.
Blanchard said district employees who would be Guardians should be nominated by staff, undergo a mental health evaluation, be licensed to carry a firearm and show proficiency in using a firearm by going through the police department’s campus carry program.
Joe. Maybe, and I mean maybe, that is a good idea.
But my question is related to the real world question:
How much is all that gonna cost? And who is going to pay for their performance, liability insurance costs? And who will pay their Attorney’s fees if they have to defend themselves in Court?
How much Joe?
The school chief says they cant tell us what security measurers they have in place, but they have them. Mmm. Do they? That would cover a lot of bases. Guess that answer satifies the parents. Seems they trust him.
What to know a fact?
If they say “the AR/15 is not a hunting weapon, it’s a military weapon designed to kill humans at a high rate.â€
If they say that? That really means they want to take away every gun in America. And it means they hate America.
I am so damn pissed the Media won’t explain that to the Parents who’s kids were slaughtered. And I’m pissed the Media won’t do their damn job and show America Parents of slaughtered kids are just Democrats.
Mack, the Ohio and Texas school districts don’t keep their armed school response teams a secret. Obviously that’s a big part of protecting students by discouraging shooters in the first place. So what is the official response from the EVSC?
Only response I’ve seen is EVSC will accommodate those students wishing to participate in March 14 protest for more gun laws.
I think some of the kids? Some of them feel like they’re being hunted.
And they’re pissed.
DC, lets face it, based on the link below, the EVSC administration appears far more concerned about political correctness and appeasing their liberal teachers by allowing students time from school to protest for more gun laws, rather than having a police trained and vetted all-volunteer ready response team of teachers (skip administrators) to protect students. Is a “teaching tool” code for meaning that kids will be encouraged to miss school to protest for more gun laws as supported by liberal Democrats? Will the EVSC offer bus service to these protests?
The organizers of the National Women’s March last year are now planning nationwide protests for gun control.
Some school districts are vowing to suspend any student who participates in what’s called the “National School Walkout” on March 14, but it looks like the Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation may use it as a teaching tool.
On Thursday, EVSC tweeted this out:
We are getting questions about the national walk-out that is scheduled for March 14. We will be working with schools to support student leadership groups that want to organize a way for students to gather in a peaceful, organized manner. Stay tuned for more info… pic.twitter.com/etF3yH9hIY
— EVSC (@EVSC1) February 22, 2018
Is there a Soros connection? The Women’s March, which partners with 100 Soros-funded groups, announced plans for a national school walkout on March 14 run by Women’s March Youth EMPOWER, but that event is billed as separate from the March 24 march.
Please look at the link below to find out the true organizers of the March 14 national school walkout. Maybe this is a real “teaching tool”. “NO WONDER these groups are 100% against volunteer police trained and vetted school faculty having the ability to defend their students:
“…on March 14 the national Women’s March organization has called for a coordinated national walkout of students and teachers in schools across the nation….
Unions that represent teachers and other school employees should support these calls, mobilize their members to take action alongside students, including strike action where possible. The mobilizations should escalate around concrete demands including banning military-style semi-automatic weapons and other basic gun safety measures; full funding for all school services to help students in crisis situations and demilitarization of our communities.”…
While acknowledging that there are many legitimate reasons why people want to own a weapon in this society, including personal protection, we in Socialist Alternative have also directly posed the question of whether the present situation is in any way in the interests of working people. The history of mass shootings is enough to show that the prevalence of guns in U.S. society is not a positive thing for the vast majority of people.
But we also reject the idea that only the state can be trusted with weapons. The history of police and military interventions is one of attacks on unions and civil rights organizations, of spying, provocations and as we have seen in too many instances, the ability of the police to shoot unarmed suspects, particularly people of color, without consequence. Peaceful political protests such as Occupy and demonstrations against corporate politics have been attacked by the police, and undemocratically infiltrated by police agents and provocateurs…But we should be clear that while the NRA and its backers currently promote the idea of individually armed citizens and not militias, at another stage a significant part of their heavily armed base could be turned into an overtly counterrevolutionary force to terrorize left-wing activists, workers in struggle, people of color, immigrants, and LGBT people as an auxiliary force to the capitalist state. A massive jobs program, a $15 an hour federal minimum wage and other anti-poverty measures, and a single-payer, socialized health-care system which prioritizes mental health care would be huge steps forward in creating a saner, less violent society. We advocate all measures that would reduce the level of inequality in society and that would dismantle institutional racism, but we stress that only by uprooting capitalism can we create a just, egalitarian society.
At 1:46pm, Terry McCormack, quite nicely, asked you some real basic questions about the cost of the changes you’re suggesting for High School security.
It’s a good, reasonable question. Why aren’t you answering that?
As it seems, one common denominator appears to be the interactions between students. Either the shooters have been bullied or isolated from the school population. Maybe one additional consideration school adm should review and that is increased psychological training of school counselors and educators. Of course, we certainly can not mention spiritual and moral counseling. If anyone knows of a school shooting involving a religious 1-12k campus, please let me know . . .
Is the poll question asking if it’s time to protest for new gun laws or to protest against those wanting to change current gun laws?
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