EVSC’s Delaware Elementary Receives Donation from United Fidelity Bank


Thanks to a $2,500 donation from United Fidelity Bank, Delaware Elementary School now has additional funds to help support the implementation of the school’s Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Rewards program.

PBIS is a program designed to help encourage positive behaviors in students. The Rewards Program at Delaware enables staff members in the school to award students points when desired positive behaviors are observed and demonstrated. PBIS Rewards also help in enhancing and promoting a greater culture of academic success in the classroom. Students have badges that are scanned by teachers using a smartphone app, or the teachers can award points through the PBIS Rewards website, allowing teachers to customize classes and add whole class points. The points can then be saved like money and used to purchase items from Delaware’s PBIS Rewards store, the SOAR Store.

“We are looking forward to this partnership with United Fidelity Bank, and their willingness to help our students SOAR to new heights,” said Julie Underwood, Delaware principal.

The donation by United Fidelity Bank is not just one of money, but of time and a commitment to forging a partnership to improve Delaware and the financial literacy of our students. United Fidelity Bank will provide bank team members to help manage the SOAR Store, to help professionally decorate the store, and to help promote greater understanding of financial responsibilities through the PBIS Rewards point system. In turn, bank members will be able to teach our students how to save, set goals, and manage points to spend more wisely. Delaware is looking forward to this partnership with United Fidelity Bank and their willingness to help our students SOAR to new heights!

“We are excited, and appreciate the opportunity to provide the students and facility of Delaware Elementary the ability to participate in such a meaningful program,” said United Fidelity President and CEO Donald R. Neel. “This program also gives our employees an opportunity to provide basic financial education and to interact with students directly as they visit the SOAR Store and learn more about their needs.”