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Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that President Trump did a credible job presenting his State Of The Union speech last night?
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  1. Trump did an excellent job with the State of the Union. Had to laugh at the Democrats that were either sitting on their hands or looking at their phones for talking points. Let’s be honest, the Trump economic success which benefits all Americans, is exactly the opposite of what the Demos want. Demos want to use government to control the prosperity of their voting blocks. If they cant use the government to control people, they become irrelevant.

  2. “Both Donald Trump and Trump RNC Fundraising Chairman Steve Wynn paid women to have sex with them during their current marriages. Trump paid porn stars over $100,000 and Wynn paid his staff who fought him off but lost when he forced them to have sex with him.”

    • Typical of big egos with money. Shall we include Presidents Clinton and Kennedy in your discussion?

      • People try to excuse Trump’s sexual deviancy by pointing out Clinton had sex outside of marriage too. They complained about Clinton then saying he should be impeached because of it. And they were right then, he should have been impeached because of it.

        But now they change their tune. It’s horrible and disgusting, and by backing up Trump on this – like the evangelical Christians do saying dumb crap like “we’ve decided Trump’s sex with a pornstar while in his marriage to the first lady is ok, we give him a mulligan” Well those people are immoral and have no business claiming any kind of moral authority. They are fools for the antichrist when he comes and will fall for his manipulation like dogs chasing rotten meat. Donald Trump is a disgrace, a deviant, and a sex monger.

  3. Now Alan. You really need to watch Judge Judy. Who says President Trump paid women to have sex with him while married to Melania? He says he didn’t, she says he didn’t. What you maintain is hearsay . Not admissible in court. Case closed.

    • WRONG Dann. (and there is no “hearsay”, there is her own words which is NOT, hearsay)
      In fact, the Porn Star confirmed the sex relationship with Trump in InTouch magazine. And on TV last freaking night, January 30, 2018, she confirmed AGAIN it was true.
      You are “trying” to say otherwise, but there are PHOTOS of them together, there are signed autographs of Trump and Stormy Daniels, there are confirmations from third parties, there are PAYMENTS FROM TRUMP to the pornstar, there are multiple occasions of her admitting it is true, and here is her own words she tells the truth: ” Pornstar Stormy told In Touch, she excused herself to go to the bathroom. “When I came out, he was sitting on the bed and he was like, ‘Come here.’ And I was like, ‘Ugh, here we go.’ And we started kissing. We had intercourse.” After having sex, Stormy said, “We hung out for a little while and he just kept saying, ‘I’m gonna call you, I’m gonna call you. I have to see you again. You’re amazing. We have to get you on The Apprentice.’”

      The President of the United States pays pornstars for sex. Trump even bragged he called Bill Clinton to brag about it! They are disgusting. Sorry dude. I read that you spend your vacation time in Bangkok Dann, no wonder this is fine with you.

      • Morality means nothing to lots of people, that we do know. Anyway – Of course Trump and the pornstar had sex. Of course Trump could care less if his wife Melania knew about it. Of course he bragged about it with buddy Bill Clinton, cause Trump knows Clinton is a sex scumbag just like him, and would laugh about it. Of course Trump was worried about it and paid her $130,000. Of course everyone knows its true. Of course Dann knows its true. Of course no one is surprised that Dann is fine with that. (So is Al Sharpie, but that guy? When he writes his graffitti, it wouldn’t surprise me if its from a stool at the strip club.)

      • Porn Star = She said. President Trump = He said. Which part of that do you not understand?

  4. The secret House Intelligence cmte memo? Turns out its not written by any law enforcement officers.
    It was written by Donald Trump and Kevin Nunes, and is propaganda instead of facts.
    Trump’s own FBI Director is quite blunt now. Trump FBI Director Christoper Wray said: “With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a lean and too swift opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it. We can see it is not accurate, and it clearly leaves out facts, what we call material omissions of fact that fundamentally challenge the memo’s accuracy.”

    There’s a War on Law Enforcement. Plain and simple. The people attacking law enforcement are criminals.

    • Cop.Who said it was written by law enforcement officers? why would you even think such a thing? The FBI possibly (unconstitutionally) tried to elect the President Of The United States. They now are possibly working to get him removed from office. What do you think the response should be, stick our heads in the sand along with you and your fellow dems?

      • Nunes admits he wrote it with Trump’s help. They’re not cops. They’re not law enforcement. They are attacking us, and we don’t deserve this crap. Dumb ass’ believe criminals. You are part of the bastards declaring a war on law enforcement Dann.

        • Dannnnn, shar pie and Joe Biden fall for every one of the conspiracy theories that come down the pike Cop. From Benghazi to Obama wiretapping Trump Tower to this FISA memo and about 12 other “they’re all going to jail now” things I’ve left out.

          That aside, I thought Mop Head started his last year in office pretty good last night with his State of the Union presentation.

          But one thing I noticed last night is half the chamber has the clap.

          Trump; “I believe that” Pubs stand up and clap clap clap clap clap clap clap etc – Then sit down, Trump says; “water is” Pubs stand and clap clap clap clap clap clap etc – Then sit down, Trump says; “wet” Pubs clap clap clap clap clap clap clap, Tired of standing by now.

          Like a bunch of trained seals who have become inbred.

          Speaking of clap, why would someone who could have about anyone, want a porn star?

          Pence-Ron Jeremy 2020

          Believe me….

          • Regulator. What do you consider to be the “Benghazi conspiracy theory?”
            Facts are known. It was not a spontaneous riot over a video. Obama lied. Hillary Lied. Media lied. All dems lied. Those are facts. Believe the survivors.

          • This last November, a court in New York sentenced the ring leader of the Benghazi incident to life in prison.

            “Ahmed Abu Khatallah, the suspect captured by U.S. special forces on Tuesday for his role in the 2012 Benghazi attack, reportedly said he was motivated in part by the anti-Islam online video made in America, according to the New York Times.
            “What he did in the period just before the attack has remained unclear. But Mr. Abu Khattala told other Libyans in private conversations during the night of the attack that he was moved to attack the diplomatic mission to take revenge for an insult to Islam in an American-made online video,” Times reporter David Kirkpatrick wrote in a story on Khattala on Tuesday.”

            Trey Gowdy’s final report said, “Our military failed to protect our people in Benghazi”. AND, “There is no where in our report that says Hillary Clinton lied.”

            Change channels before you die ignorant goofy.


          • (He is right. Your problem is not that he used the word bastard.
            Your problem is you know he’s right Dann. And the way you attack law enforcement in here? He was RIGHT to use the word bastard.)

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