IS IT TRUE January 2, 2013


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE January 2, 2013

IS IT TRUE that before we start our usual morning reminder of what in this country is in serious need of examination and change we would like to wish each and every one of our readers a HAPPY NEW YEAR and a prosperous one to boot?…unfortunately there seem to be 538 elected officials in Washington DC and even a dozen or so here in Evansville that seem to have dedicated themselves to blunting our efforts to achieve prosperity and the antics of the last couple of days have emphasized that point?…the positive thing to take from the avoidance of the congressionally proclaimed “fiscal cliff” is that some compromises did happen?…it is amazing what public officials can do with their own home made guns pointed at each other’s head when compromise is needed to avoid looking like complete imbeciles?

IS IT TRUE that no matter what words spew out of Washington in the next few days most of us are in for a smaller paycheck due to government decisions?…the unspoken and un-negotiated truth is that the payroll tax (social security) will increase by 2% for every working person in America?…many of us will feel this pinch this Friday when our paychecks are issued with 2% more taken out for social security?…in truth we all got a little 2% raise a couple of years ago when the Obama Administration decided to cut the social security tax by 2% as a form of working man’s stimulus?…that a family earning $1,000 per week in when this started got a $20 per week raise which was as impotent as a stimulus as this week’s $20 tax increase is as a choke hold on the economy?…the reality is this 2% should have never been cut if we are to protect social security so this 2% tax increase is just a whip saw reaction to a mistake made two years ago?

IS IT TRUE that some small compromises of no real financial consequence were made by the president and congress like settling on $400,000 and $450,000 as the point where income taxes are increased by 4.6%?…President Obama is already claiming to have fulfilled his promise to soak the millionaires and billionaires, the left is at his throat for being weak and not soaking enough, and the right is after him for increasing taxes?…the reality is that the money raised from this is so miniscule when compared to the federal budget that it is nothing but fodder for divisiveness, AND we have increased taxes for the first time in over 20 years without solving any problems?…it seems as though the right thing was done with respect to estate taxes which was to leave them as they are?

IS IT TRUE the Congressional Budget Office has completed its analysis of the “cliff deal” and has projected that this “deal to save the country” will actually add $4 Trillion to the federal debt?…no matter how much trivia this cast of fools compromised on we are still on the same track to $20 Trillion in debt that we have been on for many years now?…not a word was spoken about the errors and omissions in the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) that are looming today?…that financial advisors to small businesses of just over 50 employees all over the country are coaching these businesses on how best to reduce their workforces to less than 50 employees before New Year’s 2014?…this determination has to do with hours worked in 2013 so the layoffs will start hitting to avoid Obamacare in about 3 months?…not a word was spoken about how the fines of Obamacare are so much less than insurance that even the big companies will opt out?…the best business model out there for where the healthcare system is being pushed by the government is the US POST OFFICE?…it is poorly run, loses money, has a declining customer base, and is a vanilla experience much like the old USSR?…the competitors like UPS and FedEx are privately run, charge more, provide better service, and are profitable?…American healthcare is headed down the path of the Post Office?…at least the bowl games have been entertaining because the across the board conclusion from those who should know in and out of government is that 2013 will be slower economically than 2012 was in spite of the grand first act of 2013 from President Obama and the Congress?


  1. What I would like to know is when the government going to pay back the millions of dollars they have supposedly “borrowed” from SSI. This is money we worked for and we should get it back! The government stole it from us and has no intentions of ever paying it back. It should be paid back with interest. Why not cut foreign aid,to other countries, take care of our own, we can’t even do that, and stay out of wars that don’t concern us, and stop borrowing money from China. This country is in such a hole we’ll never be able to dig out of it.

    • Hard to believe, but there are people that actually believe we can Spend ourselves out of this hole (debt) the USA is in. Smart? Logical?
      I suggest they hold their breath while they wait for it to happen..

  2. I talked to some local businesses that are on the 50 employee border line. They have already vowed to stop hiring at 49 and outsource the rest of the work…

  3. Seems like it would have been better if the 12-21 thing had really happened.

    It would have saved us the embarrassment.

    When anything has more going out than it has coming in it is going to die.

    This truth is unknown in Washington.

    Or in Evansville.

    Stoney’s closing is a great example of our current malaise.
    The boat kicked its fiscal cliff down the road and ended up with Stoney’s.
    Evansville kicked it’s future down the road and ended up with the arena.

    The gubmint knows we can’t afford our spending and we get this two month breather.

    Man, am I the only person on the planet that has to satisfy creditors and meet obligations?

    In what dimension do our leaders live? This stuff doesn’t happen to them?

  4. When the United States Government decreased the Social Security tax two percentage points the cost of one gallon of gasoline was a damned sight lower than it is today. Now that The Messiah in his blithering and blathering ineptitude has reversed that tax break he has imposed on us a permanent reduction in salary and kept the high prices at the gas pump.

    This paragraph has been removed by editor because of racist comments.

      • Jarvis offended by a comment, I think I hear the world’s smallest violin being played. I guess there is justice in this world after all.

        • It is not whether I was offended or not. It was racist and wrong. Period. If you can’t grasp that I am sorry.

    • Your racism will not be forgotten. I hope you enjoy your complete irrelevance from this point forward.

  5. How can the CCO make the claim that giving a working person who makes $1000 a week an extra $20 in his check does not stimulate the economy; he is invariably going to spend that money unlike the wealthy. Multiply that times the millions of working people.

    A working person will quickly find a use for the money if it is buying shoes or taking the family out to eat. A working person will spend the money in a way which would stimulate the economy unlike the wealthy who might spend it but not in a way which directly affects the economy.

    • We did not say it was nothing. We said it was miniscule and did not make a significant difference. The $20 increase two years ago did not save the economy then and the $20 cut this week will not kill it now. It is sort of like tossing a cup of hot coffee into the Ohio River to try to warm it up.

      • I would disagree; I think it makes a significant difference. I have heard waitresses tell me that I wouldn’t believe how much difference an extra $10 or $20 a day makes. It is usually spent on something that is needed but would have been done without.

        No, it didn’t save the economy but it along with everything else appears to have the economy going in the right direction.

        • We agree with you and the waitresses of the world that $20 per day in the hand of every consumer would make a real difference especially if it is paid in cash. The reality right now is whether or not a $20 per week pay cut to a person earning $1,000 per week will make much difference. We think not. Realize that to a minimum wage earner the amount of the cut is only about $6 per week. That is a six pack, a pack of cigarettes, a latte at Starbucks, or a jar of peanut butter. Just as a free $20 bill will be absorbed into a budget, one removed will find accommodation in buying a little less of something. It may matter to the person. It won’t matter to the economy.

          • That is our economy; our economy is 300 million people buying and spending money. I don’t know how many waitresses there are in the U.S. but one less pack of cigarettes bought would be 100,000 less packs of cigarettes bought if there is 100,000 waitresses. That one less pack of cigarettes bought by a waitress does make a difference to our economy.

            Our economy is not about a whole lot of big ticket items; it is more about a lot of small purchases.

            • Good point. So based on this theory do you expect economic contraction due to the 2% pay cut we all got on January 1st. It sort of defies logic for the government to concentrate stimulus efforts all on big ticket items if the small purchase theory is correct.

  6. “For Al Jazeera, which is financed by the government of Qatar, the acquisition is a coming of age moment. A decade ago, Al Jazeera’s flagship Arabic-language channel was reviled by American politicians for showing videotapes from Al Qaeda members and sympathizers. Now the news operation is buying an American channel, having convinced Mr. Gore and the other owners of Current that it has the journalistic muscle and the money to compete head-to-head with CNN and other news channels in the United States.”

    * * * * * * *

    Compete? Hell they would both be spewing the same propaganda. Anyway, thanks Al for your new gift to the city of New York. Will the new “news” station be locating its offices or studio in the World Trade Center building?


    • Liberal socialist climate fraud Democrat Al Gore sells an American TV channel to Al Jazeera, mouth piece for Al Qaeda. This evidences the liberal socialist disregard for the National Security implications of the Al Qaeda now better able to communicate with its sleeper cells and to more easily recruit sympathizers in the US. What do you think Barak Hussein Obama’s FCC will do about this. Try nothing. Very, very concerning for our National Security.

  7. Al Gore’s sale to Al Jazeera get’s even more troubling the more you look into this. They refused to sell to Glenn Beck because they were “sensitive to networks not aligned with our point of view”. Al Jazeera, Al Qaeda mouth piece, no problem for Al Gore. Wow!–finance.html

    “Every once in a while a tweet appears that’s so silly, it must be a joke. Like this one from Glenn Beck: “Before Al-Jazeera bought Current TV, TheBlaze looked into buying it but we were rejected by progressive owners.” Guess what? He’s totally serious. The Wall Street Journal caught the detail in its coverage: “Glenn Beck’s The Blaze approached Current about buying the channel last year, but was told that ‘the legacy of who the network goes to is important to us and we are sensitive to networks not aligned with our point of view,’ according to a person familiar with the negotiations.”

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