We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUEâ€Â will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?â€
IS IT TRUE we wonder what the current status of the $750,000 water and sewer bill that the owners of the McCurdy allegedly owe to the Evansville Water and Sewer Utilities Department?  …we have been told that the people who lease apartments at the McCurdy currently have running water? …if any of our readers have an excessive water bill that isn’t paid current their water would be cut off?
IS IT TRUE when a business has excessive operating costs and serious long-term debt they don’t do another capital project for a while?  …last week the Mayor and At-large City Councilwomen Michelle Mercer announced a private and public partnership to raise funds to designed and develop the Roberts Park property?  …its obvious that government isn’t ruined like a business?
 IS IT TRUE we are told that any candidate running for re-election that has wasted our tax dollars on questionable capital projects or voted on tax increases may have a problem of getting re-elected?
IS IT TRUEÂ in June of 2017 Evansville City Councilman Jonathan Weaver raised the idea of privatizing the Mesker Zoo?…Public records indicate the city-funded over $4.8 million for the zoo this year, but the zoo only brought $1.1 million in revenue?…Weaver reportedly says that $3 million loss got him thinking that with tax dollars being in short supply that Evansville would be well served to turn this loser over to a private investor? …we can’t wait to see what the newly appointed City Council Finance Chairman Jonathon Weaver is going to do about the privatizing of the zoo issue?
IS IT TRUE its time that the self-proclaimed conservatives on City Council demand a full and detailed disclosure of all the operating expenses of the Evansville Thunderbolt Hockey team that the City of Evansville is responsible for?
IS IT TRUE we are being told that the Evansville city employees Healthcare costs are still out of control and will still are faced with another major shortfall issues in this year’s budget year?  …we wonder where the City Controller is getting the extra money to pay for the city employees Healthcare shortfall in 2018 budget since the Riverboat Fund is about drained for this year?
IS TRUE TRUE that Vanderburgh County Sheriff Dave Wedding will announce that he shall run for re-election on Feb 8, 2018, at the Civic Center at 3:30 PM? Â …we are hearing that the popular Sheriff may run un-opposed?
IS IT TRUE the North Main renovation project is now complete? …that the newly designed streets won’t allow for two buses to pass each other?  … it’s been reported that a city fire truck can’t use the newly installed street on North Main? …its obvious whoever designed the newly installed North Main street didn’t have the good sense to use a tape measure to find out how wide a road should be to allow buses or a fire truck  to use this street before pouring concrete?…it looks like the project design geniuses somehow decided to put 20 pounds of product in an 18 pound bag and now are standing in amazement that it wouldn’t fit?
IS IT TRUE that one thing done right the second time around on North Main was replacing the dilapidated water pipes? …it’s obvious that common sense doesn’t run deep in the Civic Center?
IS IT TRUE this is not the first time something that was literally stupid happened with infrastructure improvements?…once upon a time someone approved a paving project on Diamond Avenue that wouldn’t allow a semi truck to pass under a railroad bridge without getting stuck?…the first truck through got stuck and the tires had to be flattened to let it pass?…we guess that one was missed by 6 inches too?…that one required an expensive rework too?…then there was the scoreboard at the new expensive ball fields that weren’t useful for baseball?…the same ball fields missed the length of the base paths for the leagues that the park was built for?…we really need to bring back vocational education so then professional design folks in Evansville can learn to read a ruler?…the advice measure twice and cut once doesn’t even save someone from making a mess when the design is wrong?…you can’t even make this sort of idiocy up and it always falls on the taxpayers to bail out the 1st grade failures of the City of Evansville?
IS IT TRUE that we wonder, if any current member of our City Council went to buy a new car Dealership and signed a legal contract to purchase a MERCEDES-BENZ and they were told that they had to accept a Volkswagen for the same price, would they agree to the transaction?  … their answer should be “HELL NOâ€?  …this is seemly what happens every time the city gets involved in a big-ticket capital project (new downtown Hotel, North Main Street project, new Smart Water meters, Amazonia project at the Zoo. etc.)?
 Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Are you glad that the State of Indiana will be allowing alcohol sales on Sunday?
Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE Files, CHANNEL 44 NEWS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS†and “LOCAL SPORTSâ€.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.
 If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.
FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column doesn’t represent the views or opinions of our advertisers.
The McCurdy water can not be shut off because it is not up to modern building codes. All multi occupied building must have two water taps. One for the fire protection one for the rest of the plumbing. Why this was not done during the last rehab I don’t know. The problem was well known at the water dept. This was one of the reasons it was hard to sell. How they got their permits OKed without this upgrade is beyond me.
Yep, the silly $14 million too narrow North Main Street shopping cart path project is probably the dumbest project in the City of Evansville. Why hasn’t the City cut the water off the the McCurdy. That;s what the City would to us poor taxpayers.
S IT TRUE in June of 2017 Evansville City Councilman Jonathan Weaver raised the idea of privatizing the Mesker Zoo?…Public records indicate the city-funded over $4.8 million for the zoo this year, but the zoo only brought $1.1 million in revenue?…Weaver reportedly says that $3 million loss got him thinking that with tax dollars being in short supply that Evansville would be well served to turn this loser over to a private investor? …we can’t wait to see what the newly appointed City Council Finance Chairman Jonathon Weaver is going to do about the privatizing of the zoo issue?
This subject has been brought up numerous times. The general response is the Parks Department doesn’t want to give up their authority. And the City unions don’t want to lose their honey hole.
The possibility of splitting the zoo from the Parks Dept. and making it a standalone entity like the EVSC and the Evansville-Vanderburgh Public Library system (with its own Board and tax base) has also been discussed. City administrations didn’t like that because they would lose a patronage plumb.
And Russ Lloyd, Jr. got rid of the only entity capable of and interested in running the zoo (Friends of Mesker Park Zoo, a.k.a., Mesker Park Zoological Association). He thought they’d fold their doors when he said bye-bye and turn their operating funds and endowment over to the City to co-mingle with the City General Funds. Didn’t happen. That endowment still exists where the City can’t touch it.
How did newly appointed Finance Chairman Jonathan Weaver vote on the Main Street boondoggle, the downtown hotel “bribe”, and the “Medical School” giveaway, totaling probably $100,000,000 debt (+ interest) for taxpayers?
I would say that it was AYE,AYE,AYE Captain Winnecke.
And why does he still get elected!!!
“House Intel votes to release controversial surveillance memo to the public”
Rats time to flee the sinking ship up swamp corruption. Now we the lowly taxpaers from a Red flyover state, can start to see the extent of the corruption and with the DNC, the DOJ and even Obama’s FBI holdovers. Never has there been so much weaponization of the upper levels of these trusted organizations (not including the DNC there!) by Obama type liberals and the damage done by Eric Holder and Susan “Benghazi” Rice is incalculable.
Indians removing Chief Wahoo!
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