Congressman Larry Bucshon Statement on Fiscal Cliff


(Washington, D.C.) – (IN-08)Congressman Larry Bucshon released the following statement regarding the Senate Amendment to H.R. 8 – American Taxpayer Relief.

Congressman Bucshon (IN-08) states:

“While I want to keep tax rates as low as possible for all Americans, the fiscal cliff deal passed by the United States Senate fails to address our most pressing problem – reducing out of control spending. This plan has $41 in tax increases for every $1 in spending cuts. It is not balanced in any way and will not improve our economy or reduce the deficit.”

“Thousands of Indiana small businesses will be forced to figure out how they’ll pay this new tax and they are likely to do it by cutting back on employees, reducing hourly wages and many will have to lay off employees.

“The president ran on a platform of more taxes, more spending, and more government and he won. Unfortunately, the American people will have to pay the price with larger deficits, increased government power and intrusion in their lives, and slower economic growth. I came to Washington, DC to fight for common sense Hoosier values and I cannot support legislation that will take more of your dollars while continuing to over extend our resources.

“As long as I am in Congress, I will fight on behalf of all Hoosiers to set America back on a sustainable financial path that stops mortgaging the future of our children and grandchildren.”


  1. Luckily the majority of the House and the Senate did not feel the same way as Congressman Bucshon. Our country would have been sent into an immediate recession if this bill had not passed and EVERYONE’s taxes would have went up.

    No the bill is not perfect and yes we must get spending under control, but to vote no and not offer a viable alternative-Congressman Bucshon shows why he does not belong in Congress. His continued failures will last one more term, hopefully someone new will emerge to fight for the hard working people of the 8th District and not just the wealthy as Buschon seems to do.

    • Our President is hurling our country into bankruptcy with runaway spending that amounts to crumbs for each of the individuals at the bottom of the economy. If that damned fool doesn’t watch out the United States will be in the same league as Greece! If that day comes all of us will be worse off.

      • Editor, this comment needs to be removed. I think it is generally recognized that his comment on the president is racially offensive. Please have a little class.

        • I don’t usually agree with Alex but this time I do. If you have to sink to making racial comments, you’ve lost your argument

          • I would like to thank CCO editor for his quick action to remove the comment. There is no place for racially offensive comments in the course of free and open debate.

  2. Thank you Congressman Bucshon for your service and opposition to Owe-bamas fake effort to address uncontrolled spending. What we really need is a $41 spending decrease for each $1 of new taxes. Owe-bama is creating a huge deficit that will cripple our County/children for decades, solely so they can continue government giveaways designed to keep the liberal-progressives-socialists in power now.

    • If this latest fiscal cliff joke does not convince you that Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and the rest of Congress need to be labelled as losers and morons along with Buschon and Boehner then you are among the cast of idiots yourself. The last month has proven that neither party or the people we have collectively elected deserve anything but a pink slip and a kick in the ass starting with the guy at the top.

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