We hope that today’s “Readers Forum” will provoke “…honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?”
Possible Issue For Discussion: What are the chances of former Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel being elected to Congress?

Todays “Readers Poll” question is: If the election was held today for the U. S. Senate in the Republican primary who would you vote for?

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EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.


  1. Well, well, well. Was Mueller part of this collusion?? Don’t wait for this to be reported in the Courier & Pravda:
    “Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch knew well in advance of FBI Director James Comey’s 2016 press conference that he would recommend against charging Hillary Clinton, according to information turned over to the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Friday.

    The revelation was included in 384 pages of text messages exchanged between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, and it significantly diminishes the credibility of Lynch’s earlier commitment to accept Comey’s recommendation — a commitment she made under the pretense that the two were not coordinating with each other.

    And it gets worse. Comey and Lynch reportedly knew that Clinton would never face charges even before the FBI conducted its three-hour interview with Clinton, which was supposedly meant to gather more information into her mishandling of classified information.”


    • This is unbelievable. It’s the FAKE NEWS people!! How come the C&P isn’t reporting this? (I did notice, this is not an news article, it is an opinion of someone, but ok, I guess since you are posting this Joe, that makes it accurate.)

      It’s the same crap with this stuff about Trump paying the Pornstar $130,000 to have sex with her instead of the First Lady!! Where does this come from? It is FAKE NEWS too! Why aren’t REAL news organization owners, like the guys who own Fox News, why aren’t they reporting this stuff about the President paying pornstars for sex? Why? Because its fake news too!

      • Recalling the days of Monica in the oval office, Clinton was not impeached for sexual acts but for lying under oath and we all witnessed the outcome . . he stayed in office. Most people these days . . do they really give a flip about the sexual behaviors of elected official? If the Dems really want to gain the majority, what message should they bring to the table? Sex back in 2006, or perhaps a growing economy for the benefit of the working men and women . . remember the message what got Trump elected?

        • If the economy keeps this pace . .billions of dollars coming back to our shores . .black unemployment at record lows . .latino unemployment as all time lowers . .the lowest unemployment for women in 17 years . .Dow Jones breaking records seemingly daily . .well, let’s use Bill Clinton’s famous words, “It’s the economy, stupid” . . .this may prove to be one giant hurtle for Mr. Weinzapfel, especially, considering the Schmur Shutdown . . .

      • Looks like the collusion is in the Mueller investigation, not with those darn Ruskies holding uranium that Hillary transferred before the Ruskies made multi-million dollar “donations” to the Clinton Foundation:
        “The FBI on Sunday said it “failed to preserve” five months of text messages involving a senior agent who was taken off Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigative team following a report he made derogatory comments about President Donald Trump, The Washington Post reports.

        The revelation came after the Justice Department turned over additional text messages to Congress involving Peter Strzok, a veteran counterintelligence agent who also worked the Hillary Clinton email case. He was discharged from Mueller’s team after Mueller learned that he had traded politically charged text messages — many anti-Trump in nature — with an FBI lawyer who was also detailed to the group. The lawyer, Lisa Page, left Mueller’s team before the text messages were discovered.”


      • You people keep trying to justify it’s ok for Trump to pay pornstars for sex because Clinton had his own set of outside sex issues.

        Are you nuts? Clinton was horrible, I don’t know anyone in our church who thought any of that was ok. I voted against him twice.

        I said this over the weekend: if our Pastor, no matter how good he was, if HE paid Pornstars for sex like Trump did? Our entire Congregation would FIRE HIM. We have standards, and so should you! Clinton didn’t make this ok behavior. That doesn’t make Trump being a sex creep ok!!

        You guys are slimy and don’t have any standards. Nothing about any of this is proper.

      • I agree with you, Beer. Trump paying pornstar for sex probably is fake news, especially since she vehemently denies it. It’s also totally irrelevant. Dems made infidelity O K when they maintained Bills’ was simply a matter between him and Hillary and none of our business.
        Your assertion that the link Joe posted is not news is laughable. It is based on real texts between two agents employed by the Mueller witch hunt and reported by a REAL journalist, Sharyl Attkisson, who can tell you first hand what happens to reporters who dare report the truth about Obama.

  2. More from those peace loving socialists:
    “A 56-year-old male Trump supporter was nearly murdered by a 30-year-old male Antifa terrorist in New York City Saturday night as he walked away from a ticketed nightclub party called a Night for Freedom that was organized by Mike Cernovich to celebrate the first anniversary of the inauguration of President Donald Trump.”


    • “On Monday, in a case little noticed by the national media, a man went on trial in federal court for plotting a potentially horrific terrorist attack in upstate New York. In 2015, this man allegedly planned to enlist accomplices to help him bomb a house of worship and open fire with assault rifles on any bystanders. “High casualty rates” was the goal. “If it gets down to the machete, we will cut them to shreds,” he allegedly said, according to prosecutors.
      Also on Monday, the Trump White House released a list of 78 attacks carried out in the US and abroad by “radical Islamic terrorists” since 2014, which it said were mostly “underreported,” following the president’s own claim earlier in the day that the media conspired to ignore such attacks. But had the upstate New York plotter succeeded, he would not have made the White House list. The individual charged with masterminding that plan was Robert Doggart, a 65-year-old white man from Tennessee who allegedly conspired to form a militia and attack a Muslim community in Islamberg, NY, on “behalf of American patriotism.”

      “After six people were killed and many others were injured while praying at a mosque in Quebec City on January 29 last year, the White House and Fox News quickly ran with false claims that the suspected attacker was Moroccan. (That man was in fact interviewed as a witness.) Trump has not tweeted nor made any public remarks about the white nationalist (and Trump fan) who has been charged in the case.”

      Unfortunately we could probably go back and forth with this depression all day Joe but I have to go see a man about a dog so I don’t have time.

      But will try to catch up later this evening if you persist.

      Believe me….

  3. Will Weinzapfel be elected to congress? It’s possible if he makes it through the primary. In the general election Gruber Goober voters have only one requirement. You must have a D in front of your name. Past performance and current capabilities have nothing to do with their vote.

    • His chances are slim to none if the people of Evansville remember what he did to the voters: Fraud Center, annexation, etc., etc., etc. I have not forgotten.

    • You have a point. As you must know, I supported President Obama in life but I noticed people voting for him who didn’t even recognize the letter O because poll workers had to help them complete their ballots. A faction of Democrats like to think they are smarter than everyone else, but without the votes of the really dumb yellow dogs, no Democrat would ever be elected.

  4. gruber “we relied on the stupidity of our barry voters to pass barrycare”………hence the term gruber goobers…………and by the couple of comments above the gruber goobers look dumber every day…………MAGA TRUMPS ECONOMY BOOMING……………barry hussein and the fake media and gruber goobers told us 1%gdp was the new normal and the jobs will never come back………………….WAKE UP CALL gruber goobers jobs are coming back………4%GDP IS BACK…………..GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS FAMILY……………FISA MEMO SOON…………….russia russia russia……….lollllllllllllllllllll……To Hate MAGA Is To Hate AMERICA………………..Happy Days Are Here Again……………..Drain The Swamp…………..

    • they wanted to know if it was fake news

      turns out it is the wall street journal that has been reporting that trump has been paying pornstars $130,000 for sex while being married to the first lady

      it’s owned by rupert murdoch and fox news.

      guess that makes that news real and not fake.

    • And the Gruber goobers scratch their heads and say “what in the world is Sharpie talking about?” Economy?? Gdp?? 1%?? MAGA?? Talk about something we can understand. Like amnesty for illegal aliens.

  5. It looks like Weinzapfel is going to run. Time for the CCO to take that money wasting ego maniac to the woodshed for his deeds.

  6. A couple of days ago CCO asked readers how the “government shutdown” might affect them.
    Now might be a good time to ask how the “government shutdown” actually did affect them. My guess now is the same as it was then: not much.
    There is a lesson here though in that some in Washington are a lot more concerned about illegal aliens than American citizens.

  7. I am sorry illegal rapist,murderers.I work for you but Trump kicked my ass.

  8. The fortunes for the Dems squarely rely on the economy. If the DNC and Hillary had defined their platform and consistently delivered that message to the Country’s working men and women perhaps Mr. Trump would not be the President. Please folks tell me what message has the Dems provided to us? Seemingly, we have only heard is #Resist . .this may be effective only if the economy dumps, but, what if it doesn’t and the middle class discover that the tax cuts do in deed help them? What have we heard? Russia, Russia, Russia . . .Tax Cut only help the rich? Of course, November is long, long ways off and anything can happen, but until the Dems get focused and stop the #Resist/ Russia thing disappointment may be in their future . . .

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