Evansville Police Are Attempting To Identify Auto Suspects In December Theft Of Cadillac.


Detectives in EPD’s Auto-theft division are attempting to locate suspects from a December theft of a 1990 blue Cadillac Seville. The theft occurred in the 1900 block of Colts Ln.

Still framed photos show three individuals enter the property and get into the Cadillac, which was not mobile. The subjects then appear to load the Cadillac onto a trailer and then exit. It appears that the individuals utilized a silver pick-up truck and a green or teal pick-up truck during the incident.

If you have any information on the identity of these individuals or recognize any of the vehicles they used, we are asking that you contact Detective Sides at 436-7968 or the We Tip Hotline at 1-800-78-CRIME.