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Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that U. S. Congressman Larry Bucson, M. D. has represented the needs of the people of the 8th District?

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EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City County Observer or our advertisersR



    • “Trump Presidential adviser Steve Bannon said he “plans to fully cooperate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.”

  1. They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens. As such they have no right to be in our country, let alone demand they be allowed to stay. Dems equate “shutting down the government” to murder or treason, but are perfectly willing to do it for the illegal aliens.
    Sobering reading.

    • DC, that should be required reading for all elected officials. Thanks for the link.

  2. Anyone watch the Dr for the President being interrogated by the liberal left media yesterday. Remember, this Dr was Obummer’s Dr also, yet him giving Trump a clean bill of health, was akin to telling state secrets. Now, if you look at the population of Evansville, a large group would cause any Dr to panic. Probably not a city in the state with so many out of shape, over weight, non exercising people than our own fair city’s lovers of everything with fat!!!

    • Yeah, right, Drumpf is 6’3″ and weighs 239. BS! Cops like you are why people despise the 1% of cops that are racists and bigots.

      You do not deserve to wear the uniform. Your slurs are why you hide behind a keyboard. Bet you sit your fat butt flying a desk all day. Go wipe the donut sugar off your shirt

  3. “Now, if you look at the population of Evansville, a large group would cause any Dr to panic.”

    Now, if you look at the population of Evansville, a large group would cause any Dr. TO START LAUGHING WILDLY AT ALL THE MONEY THEY CAN MAKE IN THIS AREA…”

    Fixed that for you, TBL… 🙂

    Evansville and surrounding areas are an absolute gold mine for health care providers, no matter their specialty. Sky high rates of obesity, smoking, cancer, infant mortality, substance abuse and an aging population give a solid base of ailments which need treatment. Specialists in allergy treatment and behavioral problems are also busier than the proverbial one-armed paper hangers. Throw in a high poverty rate (linked to a host of chronic and acute health issues) and a growing menu of trauma which needs addressed (gunshot wounds, stabbings, MVA’s, and the always popular “Hey Cletus, watch this!” variety) and it’s no wonder that the medical sector accounts for a huge percentage of employment in this region.

  4. My b!tch for the day;

    Last year the Republican controlled Congress allowed our domestically produced oil to be sold on the world market for the first time in 40 years.

    Mop Head just allowed oil to be drilled off every coast of the U.S. then rescinded Florida’s participation because their Governor who had to re-pay Medicare $1.7 billion for defrauding it in his previous life is going to run for Senate.

    Now, all oil produced by Goldilock’s order can be sold overseas with NONE sold here if the oil companies so be it.

    But every tourist destination here could be destroyed because of it.

    One of the main reasons companies have been moving back to the good ole USA is because of fracking and the price of natural gas being lower than anywhere in the world. The pubs are getting ready to destroy that also.

    Bottom line; The porn star Mop Head was banging a year after he married Melania is not that hot.

    And that’s the way it is pilgrims, January 17, 2018….

    • That’s the way it is, alright. In the warped, twisted minds of loony Gruber goober dems.

      • Mr. Simple, all you have to do is shed your childish cocoon and rebut my post with facts.

        If you’re banging the porn star also, I’ll give you an “Atta Boy” for having something on the ball.

        Sloppy seconds would be right up your mentality.

        Believe me….

    • Reg, I know the Trump successes is depressing to a nice, well meaning liberal like you. Here’s the more realistic view of the American energy independence:

      “The economic and political impacts of soaring U.S. output are breathtaking, cutting the nation’s oil imports by a fifth over a decade, providing high-paying jobs in rural communities and lowering consumer prices for domestic gasoline by 37 percent from a 2008 peak…“It has had incredibly positive impacts for the U.S. economy, for the workforce and even our reduced carbon footprint” as shale natural gas has displaced coal at power plants, said John England, head of consultancy Deloitte’s U.S. energy and resources practice…That export demand, along with surging production in remote locations such as West Texas and North Dakota, has led to a boom in U.S. pipeline construction. Firms including Kinder Morgan and Enterprise Products Partners added 26,000 miles of liquids pipelines in the five years between 2012 and 2016, according to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. Several more multi-billion-dollar pipeline projects are on the drawing board…Top U.S. oil firms such as Exxon Mobil and Chevron a decade ago turned much of their focus to foreign fields, leaving smaller firms to develop U.S. shale. Now they’re back, buying shale companies, land and shifting more investments back home from overseas. ”


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