Ben Shoulders Has Been ImpressiveÂ
by Frank Patton, Jr.
Most people who run for political office for the first time use their first year in public office as a learning experience; or maybe a time to observe, grow or follow the lead of their colleagues. Â But not Vanderburgh County Commissioner Ben Shoulders.
Through the 2017 calendar year, and even as recent as the county Bicentennial celebration, Shoulders has been nothing short of impressive. From sponsoring an anti-discrimination ordinance to voting no to raising county income taxes to helping bring new employers (such as Polyram Plastics) to Vanderburgh County, while working alongside the Health Department in helping to streamline regulations for restaurant owners, and assisting in bringing in a local healthcare clinic provider to the county; which saves the county hundreds of thousands of dollars, Shoulders continues to stay the course with confidence and optimism.
Yet, with all these accomplishments, Shoulders remains remain humble, always shares the credit, always has time to give back to the community while going above and beyond to serve the people and always remains prioritized on faith, family and friends at all times. Keep up the great work, Commissioner Shoulders.
Frank Patton, Jr.
Evansville, IN