IS IT TRUE December 26, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE December 26, 2012

IS IT TRUE that today the entire Evansville region is covered with roughly 6 inches of snow and the snow is still falling?…those of you who have to get out in this weather for the purpose of driving should be extra careful because somebody won’t?…those who have the luxury of spending another day sitting by the fire drinking hot chocolate and enjoying leftovers should afford yourselves that luxury and remove the possibility for an accident?

IS IT TRUE that just a week after the murders in Connecticut that has softened the people of the United States up to consider limiting the second amendment rights of the people to bear arms, Evansville had a crime that reminds us all of just why the founding fathers saw the right to bear arms as a fundamental right?…that a young man who sounds very much like a thug broke into a house near downtown Evansville with the intention to beat and use a stun gun on a girl of 17?…the thug allegedly had the girl down in the back yard beating her when the girl’s 79 year old grandfather interrupted the beating?…the young thug then allegedly threatened to beat the old man and use a stun gun on him?…that fearing for his life and the life of his granddaughter this 79 year old pulled out a handgun and shot the thug?…were it not for this grandfather’s right to bear arms then Evansville may well have been the location of yet another double murder in 2012 and the thug would be on the run?…similar stories where private gun ownership has saved good lives happen every day across this country?…similar stories happened on the same day as the Evansville incident in Los Angeles and Northern California?…most incidents of self defense that involve a gun go unreported because the gun is not fired?

IS IT TRUE that former White House chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel stated “never let a crisis go to waste”?…that the proponents of limiting the powers of the 2nd amendment to the US Constitution will certainly see the Connecticut murders as a “crisis” to be leveraged for their own purposes?…a study released in the Wall Street Journal that showed murders vs. gun stores in graphical form concluded that THERE IS NO CORRELATION BETWEEN GUN STORES AND MURDERS?…what was concluded and did correlate was that the denser people are packed together the higher the murder rates rise?…urban places consistently had the highest murder rates but the lowest number of gun stores?…rural areas have the highest rates of gun ownership, the most gun stores, and the lowest murder rates?…the murders in Connecticut were a personal problem of a disturbed young man?…these murders happened in a “gun free” zone?…the murder rate in the City of Chicago soared in 2012 right after Chicago instituted one of the most stringent gun control laws in America?…blaming guns for mental health issues makes about as much sense as blaming shoes when a person can’t run fast?

IS IT TRUE that President Obama is cutting his Hawaii vacation short to head back to Washington to work on the avoidance of the so called “fiscal cliff”?…this is of course the right thing to do and does show the kind of leadership that the American people deserve?…the CCO wishes the President and Congress well but has little expectation?…the first 6 weeks of this 7 week MADE IN CONGRESS drama have been dominated by ideological idiocy on the part of all of the players involved?…going over the fiscal cliff may be a good life lesson for the American people anyway?…getting a 2% across the board pay cut in the form of the temporary cuts in Social Security taxes expiring will be an immediate reminder of the failure of government to think as opposed to just kicking the can down the road?…the IRS has not changed any withholding tables to reflect any changes in the income tax rates that will be automatic and that part of people’s paychecks will not be effected YET?…that when the rates are decided any increases will be doubled up so that the withholding for the entire year will reflect those rates?…even if a deal is reached the IRS DOES NOT HAVE A SNOW BALL’S CHANCE IN HELL OF CHANGING THE WITHHOLDING RULES IN 4 WORKING DAYS SO THE CLIFF WILL HIT EVERY PAYCHECK IN AMERICA STARTING NEXT FRIDAY?…let this false urgency that was created by congress be a lesson to the people of this country about the utter ineptness of the Executive and Legislative branches of our government?


    • Needing ain’t getting. Neither party has the courage to do that. It would mean somebody didn’t get something they feel entitled too.

    • While we’re adding a balanced budget amendment we also need a term limit amendment, problem is do we really want to have a constitutional convention to add or remove amendments to the constitution with the current class of clowns we have in government.


  1. This has nothing to do with today’s IIT, but I would like to hear more about a couple rumours that were mentioned once here a couple/few weeks ago and never mentioned again. Can you provide any more information regarding someones rumoured desires to convert the ONB Building into a hotel or to convert the Civic Center into a mall and move the Civic Center to the ONB building?

  2. As it has been said, the real surprise will be the rolling back of the alternative minimum tax deduction. Some say that about 40% of Americans will be effected. This Alt Min will impose approx 2 trillion dollars over the a ten year period. Of course, the alt min has been around for a long, long time, but, this tax was intended for millionnairs, who received tax preferences. But, we can always depend on the tax and spend bunch to extend the invite to join the party, excuse me, pay for the party, and, believe it, if Congress fails to do the so-called Alt Min patch, well, just hang on! Don’t beleive that only those 250k’ers will be in the mix, just wait, the next cherry will be the “VAT” tax, (Value-Added-Tax) Cheer-up, this sort of sneaky tax will get the underground economy, every time we buy anything, this tax will be in the cost, so, the State of Indiana will love this, more sales tax on a higher price due to the hidden tax. Oh, by the way, European countries have had this crazy crap for years, and, of course, their economies been so robust, 25% unemployment in Spain, Italy, and Greece…60% unemployment amoung the youth. So, the question, will the VAT encourage more manufacturing in the USA? Will the highest corporate income tax rate in the industrialized world help keep our manufacturing jobs in the USA? Folks, more and more of us all complain about the nitwits in charge of our government, but, on election day, there must be many who are home, sick in bed!!

  3. ineptitude, my dear Editor. Sorry-but you are utterly essential to this area’s TRUE, un-smothered, unadulterated truth. Bless you for your efforts.

  4. In fact, between Rick Davis, THIS PUBLICATION, and your Moles (Also Blessed Beings) we are FINALLY GETTING GENUINE TRUTH about the greedy (not the needy) persons in charge-and it is incalculable just how much grief you all have saved us all by exposing the dirty deeds of those who would keep their actions secret and behind doors forever!
    Say a prayer for some decent folks who will be performing their last works in the civic center for the time being-they will be missed, and I hope the private sector is most kind to them-these are fine people who went out on a limb in every way to help the people of this city-it cost them and their wonderful families MUCH-Please know that our MASSIVE respect, love, and very best wishes go with these fine people who REALLY CARE that right is done–so much so that they would put all on the line! May of us out there will always remember your family’s sacrifice-it was NOT in vain! Eyes are opened because of so many good people showing us all the truth. I am praying that your efforts, and sacrifice is reapid to you exponentially.

        • I missed something. The electorate spoke. Davis got beat. He will have a hard time finding a job where he gets full time pay that allows him to only show up for work part time. With that said, I hope he changes his work habits and finds a good job.

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