IS IT TRUE the headline concerning the Johnson Controls contract that was dealt from the bottom of the deck by the Weinzapfel Administration during its last few weeks is still that the Winnecke Administration had been advised by the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission (IURC) that the deal was not financially what it was advertised to be?…the IURC actually turned down the City of Evansville’s proposal as the Weinzapfel Administration had signed it and was considered to be terminated?…CCO Moles very close to this situation were privately telling us that Mayor Winnecke was pleased that the IURC had turned the City of Evansville down on this and that he had been given the gift on one of Weinzapfel’s albatrosses being eliminated without obligations?
IS IT TRUE that may well have been what Mayor Winnecke was saying in private when preaching to the choir but when it came time to take actions the City of Evansville and Johnson Controls teamed up to file a formal legal appeal in hopes to challenge the ruling of the IURC and stuff this deal through the same way Mayor Weinzapfel did like a thief in the night?…by that we mean that this was done behind the backs of the Evansville City Council including Council President Connie Robinson and Finance Chairmen, John Friend, CPA?…the Winnecke Administration appealed the original ruling to the IURC which was published and the re-consideration soundly rejected?…City attorney, Ted Ziemer, filed an action in the Indiana Court of Appeals requesting the Court to order the IURC to rehear this absurd position the third time?…on December 13, 2012 the City’s attorney filed a motion to dismiss, and never informs the City Council President and Finance Chairmen, John Friend, CPA?…to top it off, the city is moving to re-submit the Johnson Controls contract with the half baked assumptions similar to the ones in the original application that was denied by the IURC for not providing the financial advantages as advertised?
IS IT TRUE the Johnson Controls deal is no longer one of Weinzapfel’s albatrosses?…this albatross was hatched by the Winnecke Administration and custom tailored by the Mayor and his staff before hanging it around his own neck?… Mole #16 tells the CCO that the City of Evansville is now 360 million dollars in debt and is on the verge of having to take on another $130 million dollars for the Bee Slough project immediately, followed up by an additional $97 Million on various other mandated EPA projects if the EPA approves the City’s watered down proposal?…it not that $227 Million will turn into over $500 Million?…a city with a declining population that is aging can only handle so much debt and the burden is high enough with providing essential services?…all of this proposed spending on fun, games, and techie toys is adding needless debt appears to reflect the actions of the California cities of San Bernardino and Stockton?
IS IT TRUE that SNEGAL appears to be on the payroll of the Winnecke Administration with all of the untethered authority that SNEGAL enjoyed under Mayor Weinzapfel?…it is high time that the SNEAKING stopped and sanity at least gets due consideration in the Winnecke Administration?
IS IT TRUE that is also is becoming apparent that a tax deal is about to be struck between the President and Congress that will increase the tax rate on people who earn more than some number between $400,000 and $1 Million per year and above?…while compromise is admirable this one thing will only run the government for about 4 days and will do absolutely nothing to solve the debt and deficit problems the country is facing?…sometime in the next 14 days that cast of clowns will smile for the cameras and claim to have averted a financial disaster?…when they do with no more of a solution than has been even discussed to date it is time to send every last person in Congress and President Obama a 1st Grade Arithmetic book in hopes that they will learn those skills along with a Bronx cheer (BOOOOOO!!)?
Weinzapfel did not create the position of Water&Sewer Dept. CFO for Jenny Collins for no reason. She is his person on the inside, and it is obvious that Weinzapfel is still pulling Winnecke’s strings.
If you want to get rid of these two, Weinzapfel and Collins, do the forensics on the 6 years of contracts between the City of Evansville and SM&G, something the SBOA SHOULD BE DOING, but so far has demurred. The longer you wait, the less chance you have of getting all the documentation.
Same old cronies,clowns and conmen are fleecing this city blind!!! New boss same as the old boss!!!!
Cannon shots from The Pirate Ship, nicknamed “Corruption”, porportedly Captained by a “Snegal” Clan member, continue to rein down on the Good Ship Evansville’s Passangers(residents). Expecting some shots to eventually strike below the Waterline, Abandoning ship seems to be the only option, or face drowning in over a Billion Dollars in Debt.
Jenny needs to be fired and John Friend needs to be stripped of his CPA license. It’s the Council’s job, especially the Finance Chair, to find problems in a timely manner. Lets not forget that he approved the extension of the Mark Rolley contract at the last hour last year and now he wants an IT audit?
It’s time for all the Financial players to leave the Civic Center, including the nonindependent State Board folks.
I just saw one of these nonindependent State Board folks. Must be working on the stadium audit whenever she refrains from talking which I hear is rare. A pointless exercise really. If she finds something, The Mayor and Russ will call the Governor’s Office again to beg it not to be released.
cesar faison would you please provide us with facts that Councilmen John Friend voted to approve Mark Rolley contract last year. It’s time you put up shut up about Mr. Friend unless you can provide us with real facts.
I tollaly agree with you that Jenny Collins needs to be fired.
Please re-read the IIT post again because I think the CCO Editor is trying to tell use something. Let’s wait till the beginning of 2013 to see if the political fireworks start. If Mr. Friend, Connie Robinson and rest of city council don’t take our tax and spend Mayor to task I shall join you’ll call to rid of people.
Oh, I don’t know anything about the people doing the city audits but I can say that our city contoller needs to be packing because of his lies and cover ups pertaining to staus of accounting computer software and true account balances.
I can provide you facts. All of the Council is corrupt except for the sole Republican. I hope that he runs for Mayor in 2015.
Look at the Council minutes from late last year. There you will find that Mr. Friend approved the Rolley contract extension. Also look at throughout this year where Mr. Friend now wants an IT audit. Shouldn’t the IT audit happened before the multi-year renewal?
Fire Jenny, Fire Rumplebeancounter, Impeach Mayor McClintock, and cut ties with Umbaugh and Harding!
You said YOU could provide facts. Don’t tell someone else to look up something. YOU providing facts means YOU look it up yourself and provide links to minutes, etc…
What? You want her poor head to explode? She has a tough enough time keeping straight the sequence of user names she posts under daily.
Did Dan Adams win the Council Vice President position last night?
Election of President, Vice President of city council
normally done the first meeting of the new year.
Thanks Jack. Haven’t seen you on here in a while. You doing alright?
Doing great. Enjoying my first grandchild.
Awesome that’s good to hear. Congratulations.
This is off target but rumor has it that Missy Mosby was hired by Sheriff (Pro-Consolidation) Williams to deliver warrants but after a disagreement either she was fired or quit. The hits just keep on coming. Can you say Coo! Coo!, Coo! Coo!?
Am I the only one that see’s a trend in Ms Mosby’s employment outside of the city council gig? By my casual count she in 18-24 months has had more jobs than I have had in my entire life (I’m 57), granted the Evansville job market is tough but for someone with the name recondition she has you would think job offers/takers would be plentiful…..although she has been able to hold on the AFOP president gig for the full term.
So my 2nd Ward City Council women, Missy Mosby was alledged to have worked for the Sheriff Williams serving warrants.
Did the Sheriff advertise this position in the local paper so all the taxpayers of this county would had a chance to apply for this position?
Another Sheriff Eric Williams back room political deal to take care of his democratic friends.
If it is true that my city council women worked for the Sheriff, I wonder why she either quit or was let go?
Oh, I guess a can now can address Missy as “Dog The Bounty Hunter”. We can now call the Sheriff Williams the “king of political patronage”!
The county does not post any job announcements.
They don’t even post position openings on the city/county web site.
Guess they are already filled before they are rumored to be open.
Not sayin’, just sayin’.
Does she serve warrants to her own workers on fall festival floats?
How many jobs has Missy Mosby had this year?
Mind you……I’m not keeping track 🙂
1. City council 2nd ward Representative.
2. Maingate: (waitress, hostess, beverage taster, setting traps and snaring other councilmen)
3. Wolfs auto auction: (auction assistant, clean up person, office worker, car detailer)
4. AFOP (associate fraternal order of police) president
5. Rumored (unconfirmed) processes server for VCC (quit or fired)
There may be more as I stated above it’s just a casual pastime for me to kinda’ keep track of my ward representative occupations.
Everything in brackets () are job descriptions I was told she held at the various businesses by various people hence the various descriptions.
she also worked as a salesperson for Brightstar home healthcare and at Kirkston Mortgage
She was a Realtor…and worked for some non-profit for a short while.
and we all forgot Integra Bank, right before Kirkston, not bad for someone with only a high school education and political connections
Where is the editor? You need to do your job and get this conversation back on track to a productive positive conversation instead of a bully fest.
I know all of these except number 5 (labeled as a rumor) to be true, and the truth is the best defense. Seems she has trouble holding a job.
What’s the deal Blanger….slow day in the laundry business???? You should check your facts before posting on the CCO. Missy happens to be a friend of mind and I can tell you that she has never worked for the Sheriff’s Office. As to the AFOP…that is a volunteer position. Personally, I think the editor needs to remove your comments along with several others. Maybe you should worry more about your own “Dirty Laundry”.
The editor(s)are free to remove any of my posts they want to, it is their system/site that they allow us to post our opinions on, as you see #5 was stated as rumored….since your a close friend would you like to add to my list I’m sure you have the inside track to Ms Mosby’s recent job history and could clear up any errors.
I’ll thank you in advance Ma’am. 😉
BTW Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
Haha! Nice!
Seriously though! Most people who job jump like she does have a plethora of personal/life issues. Not a good mix for a city council person.
You are correct in stating that the CCO is for opinions. Unfortunately, the majority of the bloggers on this site
(including yourself) prefer personal attacks.
Personal attacks? public job history is a personal attack? Since Ms Mosby is representing my ward which I live in and pay taxes in, she is a public servant representing me…you have some delusion that she somehow isn’t responsible to her constitutes, or since she is a public servant shouldn’t be held to a higher standard than the people she was elected to represent?
Unfortunately when you choose the path to be a politician you put yourself in a position where everything you do will be looked at and scrutinized if you can not stand that or have to have your friends constantly defend your actions maybe a political life isn’t what you should be doing.
What does her outside employment have to do with her service to her ward and community?
Work ethic is directly related to a persons character which is directly related to their job performance both in serving the public trust and their everyday job or career. You’ve obviously never had to deal with hiring/firing employees or managing personal.
But yet again it is JMHO
I like how their side always comes on here and complains about personal attacks yet they let their own campaign worker do the same thing. Those in glass houses (ones that are up to code too).
Sorry about not reading the blog posters earlier. Had to take care of a family issue.
We have confirm that 2nd Ward city councilwoman Missy Mosby never worked for the Vanderburgh County Sheriff Office serving warrents.
We have no idea how many jobs Ms. Mosby has had in recent years and don’t care.
One thing for sure is that we know that Ms. Mosby works hard to take care of the needs of the people of her ward.
Lets get back on message and talk about important things facing our fair city.
Thanks CCO for sitting the record straight on Missy Mosby.
I agree that she works very hard for citizens she serves in her ward.
I also agree, it is time to move on to the next subject.
She is ripe for having an election opponent. Just sayin…
she had 2 different ones last election and neither could beat her, as long as she doesn’t rock the boat the machine will keep her in office
That was before everything else…
It is my understanding that the PUBLIC WORKS BOARD all members appointed by the Mayor,approves all contracts. This may be why the city has entered into so many crazy deals, such as, the Johnson Control which will spend approx 43 million dollars of the ratepayers’ money approved on November 15, 2011 by the Utility board which the Council does not have any appointees. As I understand, the Council now has a new attorney and, maybe, now, the new attorney will be in front of those crazy deals going before those boards for approval and hopefully, the council members will be able to enteract with the Administration before board approval. By the way, the Mark Rolley’s contract was approved by the Public Work Board, and, the City’s own Mayor, while the President of the County Commissioners in February of 2011, signed by the President of the Public Works Board, Jack McNeely and Lloyd Winnecke. For those investigative individuals, go the the public works board and request the copies of the MRC contract and while there, ask for the contract approved on July 21, 2011 between the City and Mark Rolley to provide assistence for the seemingly failed accounting software whereby Mr. Rolley receives $90,000 per year until the year 2015 and the kicker, the tech to be provided does NOT have to have any qualifications!!!! So, those who are adventureous, go and see that there is NO council member signatures on those crazy contracts!
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