Caring Santa Visits Children With Special Needs at Methodist Hospital

Thursday was a special day for the children and staff at the Methodist Hospital in Henderson. While Santa Claus makes a visit to the hospital every year, this year was special.

Lead Speech Language Pathologist Susan Marsch and her staff came up with the idea to have a more intimate setting for special needs children– Caring Santa. It gives the children an opportunity to meet Santa Claus at their own pace.

Parents say their children go through a lot. So to see a smile on their kids’ face leaves them speechless.

“A lot of those kids because of either mobility issues or behavioral problems, sensory impairments; they would just benefit from something that they could meet him one on one, not wait in crowded lines at something like a mall,” says Susan Marsch.

Many of the parents on hand were appreciative of Santa’s visit and the staff of Methodist Hospital Therapy Services.

Tyrone Morris

Web Producer

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