Tax Reform Bill Could Impact University of Evansville Endowment

 Lawmakers in Washington D.C. are still wrestling with the details of the new tax reform bill, some of which could have a negative impact on higher education.
The bill proposes a 1.4% excise tax on endowments, which would affect scholarships for many students.

Schools with an endowment of $250,000 per part-time student and $500,000 per full-time student would be affected.

Although the endowment at UE isn’t high enough to be affected, officials say the future is still a concern.

Donna Teague said, “We would hope that our lawmakers would see that, and make the right decisions to help higher ed and our students because as you know, higher education is very important. It’s important that students get a degree to help them in the future. So we need to try to make higher ed as affordable as possible.”

Kentucky Wesleyan’s endowment is also not high enough to be affected.

Negotiations on the new tax reform bill are still ongoing.

Britney Taylor

Web Producer

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  1. You may check but I don’t think the city paid anything for the Franklin Street study. It’s a good thing they did because the first draft by Mr. Weaver would have been a disaster. A bar with 600 people would have only needed 13 parking spots. I’m not sure if may council member would have know since math is not the best subject for some of them. Just look at the financial shape of the city. I also thought North Main was done with Federal dollars. I know you are trying to make the mayor look bad but the city council is in control.

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