We hope that todays “IS IT TRUE” will provoke “honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way”?
IS IT TRUE that last week Vanderburgh County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave ask the President of the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau, Dale McCuiston “Who paid for the roasted pig served at this groups annual Christmas lunch”?  …Commissioner Musgrave also ask McCuiston “Who attended this event”? …Mr. McCuiston response to Mrs. Musgrave was; “Too funny Chery!!!”  “LOL.”  “I recall you attending last year and eating your plate full!!!”  Please!”  …Commissioner Musgrave responded to President McCuiston; “Nope, didn’t eat any of it”. “Was it paid for with taxpayer funds”?  “Who was invited”  …So far Commissioner Musgrave questions sent to Mr. McCuiston hasn’t been answered? …we hope that Mr McCuiston will provide a response to County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave questions because it’s the public right to know who attended this event and the financial arrangements concerning this social function?
IS IT TRUE we hope that someone with the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau didn’t decide to have  glutton fest with a whole pig artfully and deliciously prepared for all to enjoy at the annual CVB Board of Directors Christmas celebration paid with local taxpayers funds? …we are not privy to if CVB CEO Bob Warren and his board members  and his guests consumed any alcohol at this event but we hear that darn near any kind of alcohol goes well with slow roasted pork?  …if this event was personally paid by members of the CVB Board or Corporate sponsors we hope they had a good time?  …if this event was paid with taxpayers funds then we demand a refund?
IS IT TRUE at last week New Harmony Planning Commission meeting the board  changed Article 17 of the Town Ordinance by a majority vote?  …the new change in the Ordinance outlaws the use of first floor commercial property in the Business Historic District for residential use, without a variance approval? …the penalty for violating the proposed new Zoning law is a whooping $200 per day fine for each day of the violation, plus up to 90 days in jail for each day of violation?  …the same fine will apply to any property owner who refuses a reasonable opportunity for a town official to inspect the premises?  …the New Harmony Town Council may take up the Article 17 change at the next scheduled Town Council meeting on Tuesday morning at 8:30 on December 19, 2017?  …we hope that the fine citizens of New Harmony will show up in large numbers to object to an obvious governmental overreach by the New Harmony Planning Commission?
IS IT TRUE members of the Evansville Teachers Association (ETA) have ratified the 2017-19 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the ETA and Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation (EVSC) by a vote of 749 in favor of the agreement and 41 not in favor of the agreement?  …the two-year agreement includes base salary increases that will be paid out and added to teachers’ base salaries in 2017-18 and 2018-19?  …that ETA President Michael Rust and his board did a masterful job in insuring that the agreement was reached and ratified? …this tentative agreement is expected to be presented for ratification to the EVSC Board of School Trustees on Monday, November 27, 2017 at the EVSC Board meeting?  …we hope that Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation (EVSC) will approve this agreement because it fair for both sides?
IS IT TRUE at tonight Evansville City Council meeting a City Ordinance sponsored by Jonathan Weaver, Missy Mosby and Jim Brinkmeyer establishing an overlay zone in the West Franklin Street Area that will relaxing certain parking requirements will be discuss and voted on?  …we commend Council members Jonathan Weaver, Missy Mosby and Jim Brinkmeyer for bringing this much needed ordinance to a vote?
IS IT TRUE we highly recommend that you drop by Kruckemeyer and Corn and submit your free entry for a DREAM VACATION GIVEAWAY to the destination of  your choosing?  …the value of this DREAM VACATION GIVEAWAY is $10,000?  …no purchase is necessary?
IS IT TRUE we  still wonder if the official “Swim Meet Time Clock” located at the Northside Lloyd Pool that has been broken for over a year has been repaired?
Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that our tax dollars should not be spent on any holiday gatherings held by members of city or county appointed boards?
Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE Files, CHANNEL 44 NEWS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.
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EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City County Observer or our advertisers



  1. Dale McCuiston, one-time Warrick County School Assistant Superintendant and on his way to an almost guaranteed Superintendant’s position, and then he decided to quit and grow a beard and long hair. One-time interim Superintendant for North Gibson School Corporation and also East Gibson School Corporation. Former husband of Debby. One-time candidate for Vanderburgh County Commissioner. And now the President of the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau?
    Wow, this guy has had more professional gigs than cats have lives.
    Must be an Opus 1 thing.

  2. Off Topical . . .this week, the Senate and House conferees will be hashing out their two versions of their side of the bill . . .most really do not under the true impact on their individual taxes. If you go to you will discover an excellent tool to see how you will fair. Oddly, those high income earner in New Year, California, Oregon, Hawaii, and surprisingly, Iowa will be sorely disappointed.

    • Good analysis John. Anyone who thinks the tax plans are giving away anything to high income earners hasn’t played around with the calculators. It is anything but a gift to high earners. I have played with several scenarios and in general it looks like one is about even up to about $250k then it starts to get expensive. At the low end the only losers are families with 3 or more children and that isn’t really settled yet.

      • Joe,

        Absolutely, the middle class that has kids over 16 yrs old will be losing $4,050 per but will not receive the child tax credit.

  3. I guess that somehow qualifies him to head the Convention and Visitors Bureau. Looks like a guy who still hasn’t grown up and decided what to do with his life. That big hog with the knife in it symbolizes the good people of Evansville/ Vanderburgh County and the butcher who stabbed the hog in the back is our politicians. Sad, but true.

  4. agree…………..100%………..TBL……….nothing more nothing less than pathetic…………………unbelievable……………..

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