Below are the felony cases to be filed by the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor’s Office today.

Elaura Nasha Brown: Theft (Level 6 Felony)

Kelli Ann Salke: Theft (Level 6 Felony), Possession of marijuana (Level 6 Felony), Possession of marijuana (Class B misdemeanor), Possession of paraphernalia (Class C misdemeanor)

Robert Allen Esters Jr.: Theft (Level 6 Felony), Possession of paraphernalia (Class C misdemeanor)

Jamestine C. Cook: Possession of a narcotic drug (Level 6 Felony), Unlawful possession or use of a legend drug (Level 6 Felony), Unlawful possession or use of a legend drug (Level 6 Felony), Unlawful possession or use of a legend drug (Level 6 Felony), Possession of a controlled substance (Class A misdemeanor), Possession of a controlled substance (Class A misdemeanor), Possession of a controlled substance (Class A misdemeanor), Possession of a controlled substance (Class A misdemeanor), Operating a motor vehicle without ever receiving a license

Jeremy Ray Jones: Operating a vehicle as an habitual traffic violator (Level 6 Felony), Unlawful possession of syringe (Level 6 Felony), Possession of paraphernalia (Class C misdemeanor)

Joshua David Hudson: Child molesting (Level 4 Felony), Child solicitation (Level 5 Felony)

Richard Allen Culley II: Conspiracy Dealing in methamphetamine (Level 3 Felony), Dealing in methamphetamine (Level 3 Felony)

Jileesha Marie Duckworth: Domestic battery (Level 6 Felony), Resisting law enforcement (Class A misdemeanor), Disorderly conduct (Class B misdemeanor)

Shawn Erin Hendricks: Possession of a synthetic drug or synthetic drug lookalike substance (Level 6 Felony), Possession of marijuana (Class B misdemeanor), Possession of paraphernalia (Class C misdemeanor)

Lindsey Marie Kirby: Conspiracy dealing in methamphetamine (Level 3 Felony), Dealing in methamphetamine (Level 3 Felony), Possession of a narcotic drug (Level 6 Felony), Possession of a controlled substance (Class A misdemeanor)

Edin Durasinovic: Criminal confinement (Level 6 Felony), Domestic battery (Class A misdemeanor), Interference with the reporting of a crime (Class A misdemeanor)