Will The Real Joe Donnelly Please Stand Up?


Will The Real Joe Donnelly Please Stand Up?

Don’t be hoodwinked. The affable Senator Joe Donnelly you see smiling in his many TV ads paid for by the National Democrat Party saying he went to Washington to work for you, is being disingenuous at best. He went to Washington to work for Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. Yes, he and two other “at risk” democrat senators went to dinner with President Trump two weeks ago, and yes, he met with Congressmen Messer and Rokita and VP Pence this fall in Anderson, not because he agreed with anything Trump or Pence was going to say, but because his job is in jeopardy. He, as have too many chummy republicans, has popped on a moderate mask to deceive you and me.

It is all about ends and means. Senator Donnelly is one of three sitting Democrat senators at risk for losing their jobs next fall, because they represent states that went to Trump in the general election. Donnelly is smiling and socializing with Trump and Pence because he has been allowed to do so by Chuckie Schumer. The ends—retaining Indiana’s senate seat for the democrats—is all that matters. He needs to be seen as a moderate force in the Hoosier State, and a faux conservative in order to maintain that seat. Let me be clear that Donnelly has been bought and paid for by Senator Schumer and the democrat party fearful of losing yet another senate seat to the republicans next fall. If the means to that end, is voting with more value-centered republicans for tax reform, he will be permitted to do so by the increasingly frightened democrat leadership.

Donnelly has proudly said he will never approve a border wall and will never allow federal funds to be denied to sanctuary cities. He is also a firm supporter of the abortion mill we know by the euphemism of Planned Parenthood. Now he wants to be seen as friendly to tax reform so as not to lose this senate seat next time around. If he is reelected, he will once again be Schumer’s Midwest servant voting to raise your taxes and push this country toward single-payer healthcare. What does single-payer health care mean to you? It means your taxes will rise to an even higher confiscatory level, healthcare will be rationed, innovative medicine will go elsewhere, and the same bureaucracies that run the post office, the DMV, and the EPA will determine the quality of health care you receive.

If we think for a second that the same Joe Donnelly who votes 90% of the time with the progressive democrat agenda, who was the deciding vote in approving Obama’s disastrous Iran nuclear deal, after telling the republicans he would vote to reject it, and was the critical vote for the midnight attack on America’s excellent health care, now known an Obamacare, actually supports Trump’s desire to bring home corporate earnings, remove the death tax, reduce taxes for the middle class, and reduce the federal control of our economy, you are whistling past the graveyard.

We need a republican in that senate seat next November. I am the one outsider in our primary race who has no current federal income that I am trying to preserve. I will be new to Washington DC, not a member of the already existing swamp. I ask for your vote.

Working for you,

Mark Hurt

Candidate For the United States Senate

FOOTNOTE: This article was posted by the CCO without opinion, bias or editing.


  1. MAGA TRUMP Draining The Swamp One Day @ A Time……………..😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇

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