VOICE Continues Seeking Visions for Evansville’s Preferred Future


(Evansville, Ind.) November 29, 2012— Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and Leadership
Evansville Executive Director Lynn Miller Pease report that Evansville VOICE is still in the
gathering stage of collecting citizens’ visions and scheduling additional VOICE sessions.
VOICE is Evansville’s community-wide, citizen-driven vision process that allows community
members to share their ideas, hopes and visions for Evansville’s preferred future.

Over the last 10 VOICE sessions, we have heard over 300 visions of what the citizens of our
community want for Evansville’s future. Of these 300 visions, many common themes have
emerged from the sessions, such as: revitalizing downtown and the riverfront, more focus
on sustainability and the environment, additional parks, greenways, walking and bike paths
and embracing our community as a regional hub. All visions from the VOICE sessions have
been recorded and published on the VOICE website.

“I enjoy the sessions, because it is nice to meet others that care about the community. Every
session that I’ve attended is different, because everyone has a slightly different perspective
of the community,” said participant Phyllip Davis. “It’s also nice to hear people express their
ideas in a positive forum that encourages collaboration and creative thinking for the
betterment of our community.”

New VOICE sessions are quickly approaching, and we encourage all to attend.

Friday, November 30 @ Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana 4:30-
6:30 p.m.
o Light refreshments and hors d’oeuvres catered by Acropolis immediately
following the session in the Arts Council gallery
Wednesday, December 5 @ St. Lucas United Church of Christ 3- 5 p.m.

VOICE sessions will continue into the New Year, as we are still trying to reach out to all
stakeholders in our community. After we hear everyone’s voice, the next stage will be to
analyze all of the information and report back to the public to ensure we correctly heard
their visions for Evansville’s future. Then, common themes and ideas will be grouped by
topic area to serve guidance for those organizations, businesses, universities, individuals
and government bodies with interest in that topic to move forward with further research
and planning toward a common goal.

Now all we need is you. Participate. Because it takes all of us to create our shared future.


  1. What a bunch of nonsense that accomplishes nothing but possible higher self-esteem for the participants and moderators.

  2. Count me in on the boycott. Our community needs to send a message that we are tired of being used like this.

  3. I’m on aboard with the boycott as well. Every single time I try to talk to Winnecke he is hateful and rude to me. I’m sure this project will make Lynn Miller feel good about herself but it’s making everyone else nauseated.

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