USI to hold first ever Faculty Convocation


University of Southern Indiana President Dr. Linda L. M. Bennett, USI Provost Dr. Ronald Rochon, members of the USI faculty

WHAT: Faculty Procession and Convocation. This event serves as an opportunity to highlight and celebrate the achievements of the USI faculty. The Distinguished Professor Award, Sydney L. and Sadelle Berger Faculty Community Service Award, USI Outstanding Teaching by Adjunct Faculty Award and H. Lee Cooper Award recipients will all be announced. Newly-minted PhDs, newly tenured and promoted faculty, emeriti, and those who have served the University 25 years or more also will be recognized.

Prior to the ceremony, the assembled faculty will take part in a processional from University Center to Carter Hall. Members of the faculty will be in full academic regalia and will be led by bagpipes and the University Mace. Students and members of the community are invited to watch and cheer for faculty members as they process.

WHEN: Friday, October 13. Processional will begin at 2 p.m., and the convocation ceremony will begin at 3 p.m.

WHERE: The faculty will process around The Quad before heading to Carter Hall, in University Center West, for the ceremony. A map of the USI campus can be found at

PARKING: Parking on campus is open as space is available. A map of USI parking lots can be found at