Dirt Bag Intimidation Stories from today’s Elections



A legally credentialed poll watcher was threatened with a gun at a polling precinct in Detroit — an incident that state Republican leaders are calling an act of “outlandish” intimidation. The poll watcher, a lawyer, was confronted by a voter who demanded that he show his credentials. The poll watcher complied with the request –but the voter objected and allegedly brandished a gun and badge and ordered him to leave the precinct. The GOP observer was reportedly chased away by the unidentified gun-wielding individual.
The Detroit Police Dept. confirmed they are aware of the alleged incident and are currently investigating.


Workers at a Philadelphia polling place, after being ordered by a judge to cover up a mural of President Obama “in its entirety,” slapped up a few pieces of paper that only partially covered his image — while leaving the Obama campaign logo and a quote from the current president in full view for voters.

Washington DC

A portrait of President Obama greeted voters inside a polling precinct in the northeast section of Washington, D.C. It’s just one of several reports of Obama-related posters and murals spotted inside polling places around the nation.

Alleghaney County,PA

An Allegheny County judge on Tuesday issued an order to halt electioneering outside a polling location in Homestead. County officials received a complaint shortly before 10 a.m. Tuesday that Republicans outside a polling location on Maple Street in Homestead were stopping people outside the polls and asking for identification.

Redwood City, CA

Two men wearing all black were asking voters for their IDs outside a polling place. No ID is required to vote in California. The two men, described as “thug-looking,” tall and Caucasian with shaved heads, were wearing all black with dark sunglasses and standing in front of the polling place at 134 Hemlock Avenue with their arms crossed.