Final Gallup Rasmussen Average gives Romney 1 point Edge over President Obama


Both Gallup and Rasmussen fill polls have reached the same conusion. Both polls have converged to a 49 – 48 margin for Mitt Romney with 2% for some other candidate with 1% undecided. This is within the margin of error for both polls.

It must be noted that both Gallup and Rasmussen projected the final tally in 2008 to less than 1%


  1. Unfortunately for Romney and his supporters, the same is not true in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Nevada, and Wisconsin. So Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, New Hampshire, Iowa, and Colorado will do him no good.

  2. Cherry picking hypocrites!!!!!!

    RCP reports Obama with a 0.7 lead! 4 of 9 polls show an Obama lead, 3 show a tie. ONLY TWO show Romny leading.

    Among 12 national polls published on Monday, Obama led by an average of 1.6 percentage points. Perhaps more important is the trend in the surveys. On average, Obama gained 1.5 percentage points from the prior edition of the same polls, improving his standing in nine of the surveys while losing ground in just one.

    fivethirtyeight at the NYTimes has Obama WINNING the electoral college 313-225. It gives him almost a 91% of winning! They even give him the edge now in the popular vote as well!

    Give it up! Mittens is going to LOSE!!!!!!!!

    • The offer to bet is still on the table just like before. The three dated today are Romney +1, Obama +1, and a tie. Your friends at Pew oversample Dems by +4.

  3. It seems as if we have reached the tipping point at which those of us who work for a living are cursed with the burden of financially supporting those who will not or can not work.

    At some point we will run out of other peoples’ money. At that point there will be no funds to pay for the free iPhones and everything else the socialist Obama gave the welfare class.

    • November 6, 2012 is the day that the USA has voted itself a dictator to use executive orders when the checks and balances do not give him his way. It makes me sad to see the day that the entitlement minded crowd has taken over this once powerful country. Get ready for 4 years of strife and division. The divider in chief will make sure that we do not come together on anything.


    fivethirtyeight blog from Nate Silver predicted an Obama electoral victory of 313-225. The current numbers are 303-206 per RealClearPolitics.

    RCP showed Obama ahead by 0.7, and the wbesite shows he won by that amount.

    Please donate the money to the local Vanderburgh County Humane Society.

    • I bet you wish that you would have had the courage of your own convictions and accepted my bet. Why didn’t you accept the bet?

      • I told you that I do not believe in betting, and I told you that from the beginning. I have never bet on anything in my life and will never bet. I do not play the lottery or even scratch off tickets. Sorry, but MY convictions do no allow me to bet. Try and respect that, please.

        For the record, just because I refused to bet did not stop me from telling you that your polling was full of holes, and I was proven VERY correct on that.

        However, that does not mean that you cannot earn your “convictions” and make the donation to the local Vanderburgh County Humane Society.

        Of course, you can do a Donald Trump and bet a double-negative.

        • I would not wish to be confused with the man with the strange hair and paranoia. Consider a donation to the VCHS on the way.

  5. PS: Tell me again how great Rasmussen and Gallup are? They track record just went in the toilet, IMHO

    • Maybe so. They did project Romney’s total within less than 0.5% and the President’s within the margin of error so I am sure they will spin it that way. In 2016 perhaps we will use difference polls for our composite.

  6. Herein lies the problem with traditional polling… They do not account for the the demographics of cell phone users, who tend to be younger and more independent, liberal and libertarian leaning. Traditional polls are going to be skewed toward the conservative side.

  7. Wow, what just happened? Well, has history been repeated? Up to 1960, the majority of the African-American voters broke for the Republican candidate. Why not? Lincoln’s party emancipated them, and, unfortunately, the Democrat leadership allowed the Jim Crow landscape to prevail for a hundred years. Then, something happened, the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If not for twelve Republican senators, the legislation, was doomed. But, one of the Republican senators that voted no was Barry Goldwater, while his opponent was President Johnson, who championed the historical legislation, a southerner. Thus, since 1964, the African-American has voted overwhelmingly for the Democrat having amnesia about the first hundred years of Jim Crow. Now, enter the latinos, and during the Republican primaries, Romney went right of Gov Perry regarding the illegal alien issue. So, again, the Republican party missed the mark? Seems like 1964? Is there any way the Republican candidate be victorious with 30% of the vote made up of African-Americans and Latinos of which 95% of African-Amercans and 81% of the Latino breaking for the Democrat. Why did 44% of Latinos vote for Bush? May be time for the autopsy?

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