Evansville City Council Passes Redistricting Resolution


Evansville City Council Passes Redistricting Resolution

 A resolution is passed by Evansville City Council, urging state leaders to look at how district lines are redrawn.

The League of Women Voters around the Hoosier state have been urging city and county councils to endorse a resolution for districting reform.

To encourage state legislators to develop a new law for redistricting, setting up a commission that would be more transparent when it comes to criteria for drawing district lines.

“The party in power following the census gets to draw the lines, they put them where they want,” said Margaret Connelly, League of Women Voters of Southwestern Indiana. “They move people in and out of districts. There are towns where they have been divided right down the middle.”

Evansville City Council passed the resolution with a 6-3 vote. Councilwoman Mercer, and Councilmen Hayden and Elpers were the three votes against it.