We hope that todays “Readers Forum” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we as responsible citizens of this community need to address in a rational and responsible way?
Todays READERS POLL question is: Tell us ways that the Evansville City Council can balance the 2018 budget?
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EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City County Observer or our advertisers.
It’s like Trump knows he’s not keeping his promises to anyone, except all the people who jump to defend the sacred rights of Nazi-Confederate’s from the Charlottesville thing. You know, those people who are paranoid and rant about this Antinafta group. The Nazi-Confederates? They hate this antinafta group! Evidently they give it right back to the Nazi-Confederates with the same kind of gusto. But I aint never heard of antinafta people until the Nazi-Confederates started saying how much they loved Trump. Suddenly, everythings antinafta!! Why is it so important to suddenly talk about some people no ones ever heard of?
Antinafta, Basement Troll?
right. this from this nazi rights supporter – disaffected.
you got some nerve. gonna castigate some more veterans today disaffected? gonna call some vets trolls again today? gonna wow us with your support of these nazi confedrate scumbags? what is with you people? us soldiers died fighting nazis. what kind of creep are you? and there’s only one troll here, and that is disaffected.
I believe Drudge Watcher is lost some where in Libby Land , unsure about what shehe is talking about .
After reading an article in the Indy Star about a person being allowed to change their birth certificate to reflect their decision to be called a different sex than what they are, one must wonder at the lunacy of a court to rule in favor of a biological impossibility. It’s time to make a law disallowing lawyers to become judges as their obviously unfit to rule on matters of scientific fact.
Great idea lets do it
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