My heart goes out to the Ard family as they’re endearing a situation none of us would want to be in. He was obviously fighting his own demons and it’s an extremely sad situation. Before you start running down and demonizing Mr. Ard, think about his family members who are struggling with this. How many of us have had friends or family members do something we’re not proud of? Think about this before you have keyboard overload.

My heart also goes out to Officer Dutschke. I’ve talked with him several times over the past two days and I’ve seen the toll this is taking on him. I’ve seen what he is going through and I know him to be one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. I would ask all of you to think before you start letting your keyboard bravado get the best of you. It makes my blood boil to see these agenda driven, arm chair quarterbacks criticize and put down someone who was forced to act in a highly stressful situation. There doesn’t always have to be someone to blame.

Those of you who think wearing a police uniform makes you an evil being, are obviously not paying attention to the reality happening around you. As we speak, officers are volunteering at the FOP Club as they prepare to go to Texas and assist with the flooding. Other officers and deputies are busy preparing for a large fundraiser next weekend which will help take forty eight deserving kids to WDW. Pre-planning has started for a toy drive that will deliver toys to all of our local hospitals. These are not trigger happy thugs looking to put notches in their belts. They’re dads, moms, sons and daughters who care deeply about their community.

Officer Dutschke, don’t let the keyboard warriors get to you. You’re a fine human being and I would be honored to have you back me up any day.


  1. Pretty good letter by the Chief.

    From the video it appears there were several Federal Marshals in battle stance, at least a couple with guns already drawn, standing in front of the doors with the broken glass. Mr. Ard strode across the plaza in front of the Federal Building towards them, with his bat. Officer Dutschke didn’t have to come after him but did. His actions, to that point, could probably be rightfully perceived as trying to save his life.

    There was nothing half-way about Mr. Ard’s attempts to chase down the officer with his bat.

  2. Off topic, but very interesting and certainly applies to leftists running the Courier & Press:

    “Forty percent of Americans believe the media presents a greater threat to the United States than white supremacists, according to a Fox poll released on Wednesday….The poll is another sign of the lack of trust and overall unpopularity of the mainstream media with the American public.

    A poll conducted in April found that Americans trust the Trump White House to tell the truth more than they do the media, while the public also agrees with Republicans and President Donald Trump that the establishment press are biased against Republicans and the administration.”


  3. Right on right on Officer Bolin letter spot on………..God Bless Officer Dutschke…………On a side note for the leftist failing c/p that encourages their few angry mad @ the world to post their vile uneducated opinions about our Officers Of The Law without a doubt shows that the editor is no better than the vile piece of shits that post on the c/p……God Bless Our Police………..

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