ABC Poll Shows Romney Leading by 19% among Independent Voters


The latest Washington Post/ABC tracking poll shows voters moving toward Romney since the third debate:

As Romney hits 50, the president stands at 47 percent, his lowest tally in Post-ABC polling since before the national party conventions. A three-point edge gives Romney his first apparent advantage in the national popular vote, but it is not one that is statistically significant with a conventional level of 95 percent confidence.

Results from the tracking poll were first released Monday evening, and had Obama at 49 percent, and Romney at 48. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the results were flipped, with Romney at 49 and the president at 48. All of the results are among likely voters.

Two of the four nights reported here include interviews conducted entirely after Monday’s debate in Boca Raton

The poll shows Romney winning independents by 19 percentage points:

Should that advantage stick, it would be the sharpest tilt among independents in a presidential election since Ronald Reagan’s 1984 landslide win. (Reagan won independent and other unaffiliated voters 63 to 36 percent, according to the exit poll). Obama won them by eight in 2008.


  1. And then their is the Latino vote…

    An Oct 17-20 poll of likely Latino voters conducted by NBC News with the Wall Street Journal and Telemundo had Obama at 70% to Mitt Romney’s 25%.

    Is it true that small business might be turning to Obama?

    Small Business Stalemate: One in Three SMBs Are Worse Off than in 2008, yet Obama Gains Ground, According to New Manta Survey

    Manta’s Q3 SMB Wellness Index’s Latest Political Tracking Poll Reveals Key National & Swing State Election Insights

    COLUMBUS, Ohio—October 9, 2012— With only weeks left until the election, 47 percent of small business owners say they plan to vote for Governor Mitt Romney – down 14 percent since August. It seems the small business community vote may be changing course as 35 percent back President Barack Obama – up nine percent since August, according to a new survey by Manta, the largest online community dedicated entirely to small business.

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