Bucshon attacks opponents ad


(Evansville, IN) – Congressional candidate and career politician Dave Crooks recently released a new desperate campaign ad demonstrating he is unfit to represent Indiana’s 8th District in Congress.
Dr. Larry Bucshon released the following statement:

“The Middle East and South Asia are vitally important regions of the world, specifically when related to our national security. Pakistan has an estimated 100 nuclear warheads and growing radical elements that would like nothing more than to destabilize the current government and gain possession of weapons of mass destruction. While the Pakistani government needs to do more to fight extremist elements within its borders and assist with our anti-terror efforts, and I have voted to place certain restrictions on aid based on these reforms, it would be a mistake to withdraw all US aid and risk allowing radicals to come to power with full use of nuclear weapons.

“This attack is despicable and shows how little Mr. Crooks understands the dangers we face from radical extremism. It is important to note that the vote referenced failed to pass on the House Floor with 285 bipartisan members voting against the amendment, including Democrats Joe Donnelly and Andre Carson.

“This is a clear sign of desperation from a career politician attempting to distract voters and hide from his record of supporting increased taxes, record deficits, Obamacare’s intrusion of the doctor-patient relationship and $716 billion cut to Medicare, as well as the failed economic policies of President Obama. Dave Crooks is off target and off base. I trust the voters in the 8th District to see through this distraction and support my efforts to increase our economic and national security.”
According to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) Dr. Bucshon voted to hold accountable the funds provided to Pakistan based on restrictions and certain benchmarks.

“In its Second Session, the 112th Congress considered and, in some cases, enacted further conditions and limitations on assistance to Pakistan. Among these was a new certification requirement in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (P.L. 112-74). Moreover, the National Defense Authorization Act for FY2012 (P.L. 112-81) would withhold 60% of any FY2012 appropriations for PCF unless the Secretary of Defense reports to Congress a strategy for the use of such funds and the metrics for determining their effectiveness, among other provisions.”
According to the Defense Appropriations Bill (HR 1473; 4/11/2011), resources to countries like Pakistan must be “…designated as being for contingency operations directly related to the global war on terrorism pursuant to section 3(c)(2) of H. Res. 5 (112th Congress)…”.
House Roll Call vote 510 (7/7/2011) is an amendment that would have stripped the “Pakistan Counterinsurgency Fund” $1 billion. It failed 140 to 285 with bipartisan support. In Indiana, Congressmen Bucshon, Burton, Carson, Donnelly, Pence, and Young all voted against the amendment.


  1. The last thing that the eighth congressional district needs is Crooks in Congress. For the life of me I can’t understand why anyone would vote for Crooks!

  2. They will vote for Crooks because Larry bush can’t tell the truth about anything. He has been part of the worst congress in history so what makes you think he will be any different if reelected???

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