Roberts Stadium Billing Details




  1. Where is City Councilmen John Friend and Russ Lloyd, Jr. when we need them?

    Someone isn’t telling the truth about the Robert’s Staduim monthly costs.

    Someone needs to be fired if they lied about Robert’s monthly costs.

  2. The plan is to tear it down. If the plan changes to maintain the building for future use, the maintenance costs will skyrocket.

    • No it won’t. It would go down even more because the floor would be raised which would eliminate the water pumps and put less of a strain on the HVAC.

      • Do you have that on the advice of a competent civil engineer? How many tiers of seating are you proposing the floor be raised? Can you guarantee that the ruptured artesian aquifer does not have sufficient flow and pressure to fill the entire excavation without mechanical pumping even if the floor is raised.

        • Yes Bill that is on the advice of a competent engineer. Thankfully the surveyors office will have the same type of ppl very soon.

  3. Seems to be the cure all for both the ills of maintenance costs AND the ills of demolition costs is still to SELL IT.

    I know it’s difficult to argue with the rational solution to a problem, but our elected leaders should still at least TRY to put on a good show.

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