Judge candidate Blackard humbled by support


Judge candidate Blackard humbled by support

Barry Blackard, candidate for Superior Court judge, feels both “humbled and encouraged” by the level of support he has received from his campaign supporters. Blackard is challenging Brett Neimeier, the current judge of the Juvenile-Probate division in the Vanderburgh Superior Court. The Vanderburgh County Superior Court is made of 7 judges, 2 of which are being opposed in their bids for re-election to third terms.

“Challenging a career politician is expensive, and my supporters have really answered the call,” Blackard said.

Blackard stated he was encouraged to run for judge by numerous people in the community who are deeply concerned about the current Vanderburgh County Juvenile Court system which many believe is ineffective and inefficient. “As many as 1000 cases have been stripped from my opponent and distributed to others judges due to his inefficient system,” Blackard said.

“Prior to entering this race, I called upon family, close friends, and leaders in the community for support. I have been humbled by their overwhelming confidence in my ability to improve the Juvenile division. Due to their support, I was able to fund our campaign without depending on money from lawyers, a pledge that I made to voters before entering the race.”

Historically, the majority of judicial candidate campaigns are funded by local attorneys that practice in their courts. “I refuse to accept any campaign contributions from lawyers or others who might appear before our courts. That is an issue that distinguishes me from my opponent, Blackard said. I don’t see any distinction between this practice and athletes paying the officials before the game. It just feels improper to me. I want to promote the fairness and impartiality of our courts.”



  1. I believe the “stripped” cases that Mr.Blackford is referring to are the Paternity cases that were moved to Division 4 of the courts because Juvenile Court has so many other cases to handle. They were not “stripped” from this court but moved with all of the Judges” agreeing to do it for the efficiencies of Family and Juvenile Courts.

  2. When I read the bar association evaluations I did not know if they were accurate or if it was the Evansville “old boy” network striking again.
    How about we get the state of Indiana out of domestic situations altogether?

    • The bar association ratings are anonmyous. If the local attorneys didnt like Judge Niemeier they would be able to express their opinion without any fear of reprisal. But I think Niemeier got a 92% rating. Does anyone recall what Blackard got?

  3. How would MR Blackard define a career politician? Judge. Niemeier put himself through school by working at McDonald’s. I dont believe that he married into money. Judge Niemeier has had to work for everything he has. After law school he worked on behalf of victims as a deputy prosecutor. This is in stark contrast to Mr Blackard who has spent his short career working as a public defender. Mr Blackard works tirelessly for those who victimize common citizens. Who among you thinks that would make a good judge?

    While Mr Blackard had been given a campaign by Dunn hospitality group and all of their cash, Judge Niemeier has had to scrap for $50 and $100 dollar donations from the common people who know him. Yes- this includes attorneys who know him and know he does a great job too. Most of those attorneys have had Judge Niemeiers decisions go against them in the past. Real attorneys understand that judicial decisions are not personal. Blackard apparently holds a grudge – hence his baseless attacks against Judge. I guess Blackard will be beholden to the Dunn hospitality group, their cronies, and all of their money.

    So back to Blackards definition of career politician is Judge Niemeier (who is in the middle of his 3rd election)? Really? This shows that Blackard will do, say, distort, or bandy about any catchphrase to get elected. Is this the integrity that Blackard so often speaks of?



  4. Here is a breakdown of Blackard’s finance reports:

    According to the Vanderburgh County Auditor’s 2012 budget, Blackard makes less than $55,000.00 a year!

    Here are some stats from Blackard’s finance report:

    He was the single largest contributor to his campaign, $40,404.49, more than two-thirds of his salary! Very impressive for 32 years old and five years with a law degree.

    The sum of $31,535 came from out of state contributions: Michigan, Florida, Hawaii and Kentucky. Steven Fry (a small business owner) from Pinckney, MI was the largest out-of-state with a $10,650.00 donation.

    The Blackard and Dr. Steven Becker (his father in law) families of Evansville contributed $111,192.89.

    Blackard’s single largest donor (non-family) was “small-business-man,” John Dunn, $15,000.00, and the CCO Mole of the Year!!!!

    Larry Wunderlinch of Elberfeld, in construction, was second with $7,600.00.

    Scott Ellison was third with $5,000.00 and $2000.00 from Ellison Collections a jewelry store.

    Blackard’s expenses:

    For marketing, printing, image consulting and other advertising he spent: $154,666.67. Of that amount, $55,022.87 went out of county and state.

    He paid Sautter Communications of Washington DC, $8,160.22 for “consulting” and a television commercial called “Fresh Air.”

    He conducted two polls with TeleResearch Corp out of Muncie, IN for a total of $8000.00.

    As far as his giving, Blackard gave $100.00 to CASA and $2500.00 to Reitz Home. Not sure what Reitz Home has to do with helping children, but it is a great house!

    He returned $7,800.00 to a dry cleaners in Brighton, MI, because the donation “exceeded corporate donation limit,” according to Blackard’s finance report.

    As far as his Facebook giveaways, he shows $780.03 to Apple (about one Ipad) and $334.35 for St. Louis and James Taylor-concert tickets. Blackard’s report shows $1,000.00 for Otter’s Tickets and $175.00 to Holiday World!

    No mention of what he paid the ladies to walk Franklin St., during the Fall Festival.

    Looks like all of the elitist who support him would rather say at cocktail parties that their son/son in law is a Judge, rather than a public defender!

    VOTE NIEMEIER! Childrens’ lives depend on it!

  5. I was going to vote for you Judge, but NO MORE. Your posts here and on Facebook are mean, vindictive, and petty. You have used the words “hate” and “disgust” dozens of times on your Facebook page. Your lack of judicial temperament is an embarrassment to yourself and the Judiciary! Blackard has had over 70 large signs destroyed by your followers at a cost of several thousand dollars. NOT ONCE have you discouraged this felonious behavior. After you take a break from analyzing Blackard’s financial report, how about taking a look at your own? Please tell us the percentage of your campaign funds that came from lawyers, and others that have contact with your court versus donors that don’t have to worry about you retaliating against them for not contributing. With all due respect, Judge, put up or shut up!!!

    • Hate, never!!!! Prove it!

      Disgust, well you got us there! It is disgusting what Mr. Blackard has said about a distinguished Judge!
      And I hope that Judge Niemeier will post his reports soon. The public needs to see that his money came from the “little” people who still believe that a judicial bench is something that you rise to and that it’s not for sale at any price!

  6. Personal attacks always turn off voters.

    I’m turned off now and shall vote for Blackard!

    • Nice! Can tell that you are an informed voter. I have never seen a disrespectful word from Judge Niemeier about his young opponent. Mr. Blackard, well not so much. If Mr. Blackard dislikes attorneys so, why did he become one? Mr. Blackard’s own boss did not give him a donation. Well maybe he did, but Blackard said: “No thanks boss, I don’t take money from attorneys.” Yeah, right!

  7. Still waiting for the Judge to tell us what percentage of his campaign funds came from lawyers and others that are in anyway involved with his Court. Sorry it’s not “his” Court.

  8. Shineon, you’ll never see it because and if you do it will probably not be the truth. Or it will come back how much money Mr. Blackard has raised and how he is buying a judges position.

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