Former President Clinton has been working overtime to drag Barack Obama across the finish line in this year’s election. Clinton has been hands-down President Obama’s most effective advocate. His personal credibility may not be substantial, but unlike Obama, Clinton produced a non-disastrous presidency. Thus, his overall credibility vastly exceeds that of the current president.

So how is Obama awarding Clinton for his heavy lifting? By throwing Clinton’s wife under the Benghazi bus, it appears. On Friday, White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters that responsibility for the consulate in Libya fell on the State Department, not the White House. This followed Joe Biden’s claim during the Thursday debate that “we” (apparently meaning Biden and Obama) knew nothing about the Libya mission’s request to the State Department for extra security.

To save his political career, Obama would throw his own grandmother under the bus she supposedly rode to her job at the bank everyday because his grandfather thought it would be racist to give her a ride. And Biden’s 2016 presidential ambitions (no, I’m not joking) provide him with an extra incentive to see Hillary Clinton become the fall-gal for Benghazi.

How is Bill Clinton taking this? According to author Ed Klein, he is not taking it lying down. Klein says that sources close to the Clinton are telling him that Bill Clinton has assembled an informal legal team to discuss how the Secretary of State should deal with the issue of being blamed for not preventing the Benghazi terrorist attack last month.

I’m sure Bill Clinton is furious. But what he hopes to accomplish through a legal team (assuming the accuracy of Klein’s report) isn’t clear. I don’t believe there’s a defamation suit in anyone’s future over this.

Klein says that the Clintons are contemplating the option of Hillary resigning in the event Obama continues to make her the scapegoat. But this would be a very risky play. If she resigned before the election, Democrats would never forgive her for undermining Obama’s reelection chances in a fit of pique. If she resigned after the election, assuming an Obama victory, the president probably would happily accept it, and she would be out in the cold. That might not be a terrible place to be considering what a second Obama term likely would hold in store. However, Hillary would be leaving under a cloud.

Hillary’s leverage is at its peak now, when Bill is leading the Obama reelection charge and when a sudden resignation would represent a huge setback for Obama. The Clintons can try to use this leverage to halt White House efforts to scapegoat Hillary. Then, they can hope the issue blows over.

However, the Benghazi story isn’t likely to blow over. And after November 6, the Clintons can do nothing to avoid the scapegoating of Hillary by the Obama administration.

Source: Powerline


  1. I really feel sorry for you. Being that obsess with Obama has to affect your action. Its obvious you will print anything negative about Obama… Lets print about the taped message from Romney about the 47% of the people he wrote off. I mean this is serious… And then he wants to come out and say he was wrong. Bull **IT.. And lets go over how many times this guy has changed is position on issues!!! I hate when editors of papers that go out to the public try to push their choices on everybody else. Do your job, PRINT THE NEWS, NOT YOUR OPINION!!!

    • The CP runs so many pro Obama articles written by the AP that should report in kind donations. This particular article about Hillary being scapegoated is not really about the election. It is about chaos in Washington.

    • The Obama White House lied about the Benghazi attack from the start. The other Joe Biden repeated the lie in the debate and they pretend the State Department is at fault. This even after 3 days of testimony to the Congressional oversight committee. The CCO Editors made another astute observation of the inept and blame others Obama governance. Well done CCO and just ignore the koolaid drinking Obama supporters when they refuse to understand facts and reason.

  2. Will the Obamabots shut up when Romney wins the election? Ha-ha-ha-ha-hah!

    Yeah, Right!

    • Those of you who are so convinced of Romney’s victory are in “luck”.

      The fools at vegas have set the odds against Romney.

      As of right now, if you bet 100$ for the Republicans to win the presidential election, you will win 160 (or lose 100).

      This means that if you think that Romney has more than a 38.5% chance of winning, you are at a massive advantage!

      So, Dr. John, your statement “…when Romney wins the election” leads me to believe you’d put his odds at over 50% to win. Even at 50%, your bet for Romney would be about +30% expected value.

      Where else can you get 30% return on your money in a month? Nowhere.

      So put your money where your mouth is. Make a real bet on the man you are so sure will win the presidency.

      Unfortunately, most people tend to shrivel up when real money is on the line, as opposed to spouting your own ideals and opinions on the internet. I don’t think you’re the type to shrivel up, though, are you John?

      • You are correct. Two weeks ago yesterday the Intrade odds were down to 20% for Romney or a $500 payoff for a $100 bet. I tried to make the bet on Intrade and would have doubled my money by now sadly to find out that it is illegal for an American to place a bet through an offshore business. It seems as though the Obama Administration included Intrade betting in the April 1, 2010 elimination of online poker playing by American citizens.

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