IS IT TRUE JULY 18, 2017

IS IT TRUE we are being told that members of the Evansville City Council have finally realized that they have been mis-lead by the Winnecke Administration concerning the major financial shortfalls facing them in the upcoming 2018 city budget?
IS IT TRUE that former City Council President and Finance Chairmen John Friend-CPA predicted that starting in 2017 will be the beginning of major financial problems for the City of Evansville?  …it looks like Mr. Friends predictions may be spot on?
IS IT TRUE that people who are served by the City of Evansville Water and Utility Department received a fear inducing letter this month with their bill warning that if their water service line breaks, repairs will cost them thousands of dollars?…the mailing contained an advertising slick for a water line coverage insurance plan from HomeServe offering “Peace of Mind” for only $5.99 a month, on Evansville Water and Sewer Utility letterhead?…the EWSU even had the audacity to claim that using their letterhead to hawk insurance policies was customer service outreach?…while the slick never said so, the reality is that the breaks that it was hawking policies for only happen in houses over 50 years old due to advancements in materials in newer homes?
IS IT TRUE the City got a good payday for allowing HomeServe to solicit EWSU customers for service contracts too?…the Water and Sewer Utility Department received $50,000 for lending the official credibility of local government to a Connecticut based insurance peddler  and will receive a 10 percent commission of all local contracts sold?…this along with a similar service contract implemented by Vectren for energy delivery insurance at roughly the same time is a trend across the country to use authority of government to intimidate people into buying insurance they have never heard of so the utilities can fatten up the bottom line for their own purposes?
IS IT TRUE in the case of the City of Evansville the utility plans to use that money to set up yet another redistribution scheme to help people deemed by them to be low income people pay past-due water bills?…of course those past due bills will go to the City for their troubles?…cities all across America including Louisville are cashing in on these type of questionable insurance offerings like this to buy votes and stick their nose where it isn’t wanted or needed?…some municipalities have turned away from such partnerships, and instead warn customers to do their research before purchasing such plans?
IS IT TRUE that HomeServe’s ad slick claims the average cost to replace the line is $2,587 but local plumbers say it is more often around $1,500?…HomeServe service agreement promises to pay for all repairs to that line, caused by normal wear and tear but excludes damages caused by negligence, or “unusual circumstances?”…we wonder if a pipe being bent by tree roots would constitute normal wear and tear because that is often the source of such problems?…while the City of Evansville Water and Sewer Utilities Department is calling this a win-win, we have to wonder who is the winner?…the only certain winners are the EWSU and the darn insurance company?
IS IT TRUE that the individuals who serve on the City Of Evansville Water and Utilities Board of Directors are all appointed by the Mayor?  …current members of this Board are: Barry Russell, Steve Heldorn, Michael Weber, Robert Dillow and Archie Carter?  …that the mission statement of the Evansville Water & Sewer Utility Board shall have the responsibility for the operation of the Water Utility and for the operation of the Sewer Utility of the City?  …It will strive to provide better service to the users, make for more efficient operation, and/or reduce expenses?
IS IT TRUE that a group of private citizens has formed a group to “Support Those Who Protect US”?  …that people from all walks of life shall be holding a “Public Safety Appreciation Ceremony” on August 23, 2017 on the steps of the Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum?  …stay turned for additional information concerning this long overdue public event thanking the “Public Service Employees” of Vanderburgh County for doing an outstanding job in protecting us?

Todays READERS POLL question is: Do you feel that Congressmen Larry Bucshon is insulting his constituents by holding his Town Hall meeting late Friday evening?

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EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of our advertisers.



  1. I’m trying to derive from your editorial if you think there is something inherently wrong with offering insurance that isn’t compulsory. Sometimes I feel editorialists view their readership as too dumb to make a decision to do anything on their own without guidance from a higher intelligence,, the editorialist. I have recently dealt with Vectren about service to a house and was offered the insurance on about everything on my side of the meters. I said “no, thank you” and that was that. It never once entered my mind that they were laying a trap for me and my few dollars.

    • Get rid of Jeff Sessions and put someone in there who is not afraid to take on the heavy lifting!

      • thats nice. panic. start eating each other. press, you’re a true stalinist: win at all costs, kill your own, collaborate with those trying to kill your family and fellow countrymen, anything that keeps you in power.

  2. IS IT TRUE that one particular vendor was owned over 1,000,000 and it took over one year for Russ Lloyd, Jr. to cut a check. According to old Russ, the City’s finances are okie-dotie . . . then why is it that this particular vendor had to wait such a long, long, time to be paid . . .We are broke and the City Clowncil as it is you here Crickets!!!!

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