Blackard Signs Vandalized


Press_ReleaseSignGate (1)


  1. Mr. Blackard: They are SO big and obstruct traffic and it was a windy weekend. Did anyone think that just maybe the wind blew them down?

    • I cannot believe people are on here saying it was the wind. Please tell me you took the time to look at those photos. That is the most amazing display of selective wind with slicing power I have ever seen. Seriously, anyone who suggests those were anything other than box cutters is obviously not interested in the truth. All I keep seeing in these comments are baseless attacks against Mr. Blackard’s “models” and “money”. I doubt anyone making these comments has ever taken the time to get to know Mr. Blackard. There is nothing wrong with a young man trying to run for political office. He appears to be a genuinely nice young man with a strong desire to become judge based on what I have seen so far. These negative comments about the man are absurd.

      • not only has blckard signs been missing. But there were people caught in one woman’s yard stealing Judge Niemeier’s sign! Caught in the act and not some random kids!!!!

  2. This is ridiculous for Blackard to point at Judge Niemeier. I agree that it was probably the wind. What a conspiracy theorist. I can’t vote for anyone this easily riled up. Judges need an even termperament, and Blackard definitely doesn’t have it. Why would he though, given his silver spoon sense of entitlement. It’s so sad that money may buy the bench. Judge Niemeier is a good judge. This is just the worst aspect of the election process.

  3. From the look of those signs that wind had a box cutter and only blew that box cutter through Barry’s signs. It was probably not Niemeier that did this but this is the work of a person not the wind.

  4. Signs for all candidates get destroyed, either by kids, miscreant adults, the weather or any number of such things. Of all the candidates in the race I am sure Mr. Blackard and his father-in-law can afford to lose a few signs. When you have the money to pay “models” 20plus dollars an hour to hand out munchie maps at the Fall Fest and offer to pay $100 a person to stand outside the vote centers I dont think a few signs are a major line item in your campaign budget.

  5. Did I see John “parking lot” Dunn’s name as campaign Treasurer on a Blackard sign?


  6. Why should Judge Niemeier get to the bottom of anything? This is a job for the EPD or Vand. Co. Sheriff’s Dept. Did Mr. Blackard file a complaint with either? Just another example of not knowing how the law works. How can you administer the law when you don’t know how the legal process works??? Just another weak attempt to create an issue out of a non-issue. Boy, I’d really want Mr. Blackard overseeing important issues conerning our youth. Campaign signs, REALLY?

    • A lot of these responses seem to simply be either people trolling or poor attempts from Neimeier’s people to justify the vandalization of Mr. Blackard’s signs. It was obviously one of Judge Neimeier’s supporters as no other signs appear vandalized in those photos. Let’s use a little common sense here people. I have yet to hear anything negative from the Blackard campaign but there appears to be a lot of negativity from Neimeier’s supporters. Big deal if the young man wants to create some enthusiasm for his campaign by having contests on his facebook page. That is called marketing people. I give the guy credit for having enthusiasm and some creativity with his campaign. Regardless of all this, I doubt the 10 comments on here will have any sway on this election.

      • How about those attorney evaluations? That seems like a pretty negative opinion of Blackard as judge. They should know shouldn’t they? And what about Blackard’s negative letter about how terrible of a judge Niermeier is? What role do you play in Blackard’s campaign? You obviously have an agenda as well given that the kid”s entire campaign is based on attacking someone who was recently judge of the year in Indiana.

        • Spot on JtFoO. Blackard’s campaign strategy IMHO has been to 1) Slap my name on everything I can buy and 2) blast a highly esteemed judge. I have had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with both candidates. Mr, Blackard seemed to be a nice, well spoken young man. However, he has no record/resume to run on to speak off. Judge Niemeier, is also a very nice gentelman who seems to have done his job in an effective and proper manner ( I can not say more as I have never had an instance to deal with his court )and is well viewed by the legal communtiy that he deals with. I think Mr. Blackard is just too eager, too ambitious and too unexperienced. Maybe a few years from now that will be a different story. A few more years under his belt will serve him well in a future political run.

          • To address the comment on Blackard’s being well-spoken – I beg to differ. At the rotary meeting yesterday, he was completely uninformed on the matters of juvenile court. He proposed that juvenile probation officers be put in schools. Judge Niemeier then responded that he had done that ten years ago. Then Mr. Blackard actually bemoaned that Judge Niemeier sat on the bench for only 9 of 10 court sessions. Judge kindly responded that at some point he had to complete his paperwork, and he does have a magistrate. Really, Mr. Blackard? I was embarassed for you that you obviously did not comprehend what occurs in the court for which you seek to be judge. Mr. Blackard was simply lucky that the press wasn’t there to report on his lack of knowledge as they were for the attorney’s luncheon which was reported on. As a business person, I have met many ambitious and misguided youth attempting to circumvent actual accomplishments to get to the top. That is clearly what is occuring here, and he has found someone to fund it – which is why I am also interested in seeing the funding reports that are due out, as I also know that one of the large billboards that have been up for months is $5000 per month.

        • Comparing the non-Judge challengers, Mr. Blackard received twice the votes for excellent temperament for Judgeship but also more votes for not recommended for Judgeship.

  7. They aren’t wind damaged-wind would just blow them flat, like in my yard-his signs are sliced-it would not be easy to cut the corrugated plastic ones-the banners? I don’t know, but they appear to be vandalized. We’ve had a plethora of the small signs in our yard, I never saw damage like that. I HAVE seen pettiness, though.
    Welcome to local politics (or bored teenyboppers).
    Rick Davis had precious little $$$$ to work with, so his materials being destroyed/stolen was painful.
    The realization that it was done by folks he’d stood up for for years?
    Excruciating. I was there, I couldn’t believe what I saw from people I believed in….and I won’t ever forget.
    To find out NOW that it wasn’t personal, it was just a lot of crooked people keeping their endless crooked $$$$ mess going? I can’t imagine…
    Atty. Blackard is very young, and enthusiastic. When he stops handing out iPhones, and flashing money-when he’s ready to talk seriously about serious issues? I would be interested in what he has to say. In the meantime, here’s a Kleenex, kid. Yeah, people can be mean.

  8. Maybe they are just tired of seeing his face plastered on everyting that doesnt move. I have had 3 yes signs stolen or damaged in my yard so far. I guess I need to ask core for help in tracking down the guilty party.

  9. No other signs have been stolen or damaged. And certainly not by the wind. Barry has been interested in the juvenile process and has researched for several years as what can be done to help our youth not end up as adults offenders who fell through the cracks when they were juveniles. Barry took on a challenge that forced him to work extremely hard to get his name out there and known. Barry has accomplished that on many levels!

    To address the how many attorneys supported Judge Niemeier. People do the math, 300 plus attorneys were suppose to vote. Not even half voted. But Judge Niemeier says 91% of the bar voted for him.

    Also, for those of you who need educated again or better yet a better understanding of FOP endorsements, a committee of less the 10 individuals vote for who the FOP will endorse, which would appear that all law enforcement endorses certain candidates.

    No ones signs should be damaged, I don’t care who or what the signs say. Every candidate puts in tireless amounts of time into their campaigns.

    If people are following the presidential election, I have notice the Romney/Ryan campaign offering opportunities to ride in the Romney airplane and a day to follow them on their campaign trail. I call that Public Relations.

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