The Real Scandal


Obama “Colluded” with Russians:

The Real Scandal

By Richard Moss MD 

  We have heard unceasingly of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign as the Democrats seek to undermine the President and create a perpetual cloud over his presidency.  It is unfortunate that Democrat snowflakes, the media (I repeat myself), and the left in general, have not yet come to grips with their unexpected election loss.  Lacking any evidence to support their absurd contention despite an ongoing investigation of nearly a year, they ignore the far greater concern of the police state tactics of the Obama administration against political enemies including President Trump and his administration.  The unmasking of American citizens, the dispersal of that information throughout the government and the leaking of that material to the media and Democrat House and Senate members is felonious at several levels and disruptive of government function.

  Indeed the Obama administration has a long track record of illicit surveillance and intimidation of the media including against James Rosen, Cheryl Atkinson, and the Associated Press, and against organizations such as Tea Party groups, Jewish and non-Jewish bodies opposed to the Iran Nuclear Deal, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli Ambassador, to name a few.  When it came to “meddling” in elections, Russia has nothing on Obama and his operatives who intervened in elections in Israel, the Ukraine, Macedonia, and elsewhere.

  But it is the matter of collusion that appeals to the media and Democrats, our Reds (the Democrats) suddenly obsessed with the nefarious Russians (the old Reds), whom they previously worshipped and defended, Reds helping Reds, ideologic twins, sharing, as they do, a common Marxist DNA.  If it is Russian “collusion” that interests Democrats today, they are wasting time going after Trump.  They need look no further than the prior Democrat administration under Barack Obama for reams of evidence that suggest “collusion.”

  We begin, for example, with the infamous “Reset” gaffe of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regarding US-Russian relations.  Obama scrapped plans to deploy missile defense shields to NATO allies Poland and Czechoslovakia, a gift to Putin.  When Russia annexed Crimea, an independent state, in defiance of international law, Obama made not a peep.  Russia invaded and effectively annexed eastern Ukraine, also in defiance of international law and the Budapest Memorandum signed by the US and others in 1994. Obama’s response was to send blankets and tents to Ukrainian defenders. Nor can we forget the hot mic fiasco in 2012 when Obama told Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to assure Vladimir Putin that after his election “I would have more flexibility.”  Obama also handed the Middle East to Russia on a silver platter making Russia the dominant world power in the region, a position we fought for and held for decades.  Russia, under Obama, acquired and vastly expanded a major naval base on the Mediterranean in Syria, now rivaling our presence in the region.  Obama aided Iran with his nuclear deal, releasing $150 billion to the leading state sponsor of terrorism, and a key Russian ally.  He also delivered Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon over to Iran, again augmenting Russia’s position in the Middle East.  Former President Clinton received $500,000 for a speech by a Russian corporation, while his wife Hillary was Secretary of State under Obama.  The Clinton Foundation received more than a $100 million in contributions from Russia while Hillary approved the sale of 20% of US uranium stores.  The “evidence” of alleged Trump collusion pales in comparison with the Obama record.

 The media/Democrat party Soviet-style witch-hunt against Trump over collusion with Russia is soaked in irony on multiple levels, all of them, needless to say, lost on its perpetrators.  The whole notion that Trump or surrogates would seek Russian assistance in defeating Hillary is ridiculous on its face.  Surely after nearly a year of investigation any evidence in support of the mindless allegation would have been unearthed and eagerly reported.  None has been forthcoming.  Rather, we have a farcical scheme concocted by the hysterical left to destroy the Trump Presidency, a silent coup.

  There is far more circumstantial evidence to implicate the Obama administration of colluding with Russia than the non-existent complicity of Trump.  This is the real conspiracy that cries out for investigation.  The other piece of the looming scandal is that while Russia and others did meddle in our election, which no one doubts, only not through the Trump campaign, but through hacking and other ways at the state and federal level and through the Democrat National Committee, Obama and his team did nothing.  Why?  They expected Hillary to win and wanted nothing to tarnish her victory.  They also like the Reds (Russians) and always have.  So, they willingly allowed it.  This is the scandal that demands a full inquiry replete with witnesses, hearings, the FBI and special counsel – not the empty Communist show trail against Trump.

EDIORS FOOTNOTE: Brief Bio: Richard Moss MD is a practicing Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon, author, and columnist who resides in Jasper IN.  He lost his bid for the Republican nomination for Congress in Indiana’s 8th district in 2016. Find more of his essays and blog posts at  Also find him on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.


  1. This full-mooner is in denial. Him and Seldom Seen Larry Bucshon should start their own practice. They could minister to the broke One Toothers that, with the help of Drumpf’s Russian friends, put the mentally ill orange clown in the White House. Entertaining to watch Drumpf scramble and lie as the forces of accountability close in on him. His campaign’s collusion with Russia to skew our last presidential election becomes clearer every day. Bob Mueller is coming for them.

    Moss is an extremist, a radical. Let him stew in his hateful juices up in Jasper.

  2. Printing the rants of this person reflects on those that permit him space to spew his hateful rhetoric. This is news or views worth the space allowed.

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