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    Last year in the CCO….July, 2016….before the Republican National Convention, mind you….and clearly LONG before the FBI, the CIA and the NSA all came out and confirmed Putin and Russia were trying to direct their favored candidate to win the Presidency………that would be July 25th – nearly A YEAR AGO….Readers here at the CCO were warned that Donald Trump had an unusually close, apparently patronage-driven relationship with Putin and Russia.

    At the time – Indiana Enoch? Dismissed it as gibberish. Same with Pressanykey. Same with JoeBiden.

    Here are excerpts of those CCO comments (which continued here all through til November)…..”Indiana Enoch! – there is an uncomfortable relationship, and this is not conspiracy I-E, between Trump’s Campaign, run by Paul Manafort and Russia’s Putin!” “Seriously, you have to admit. This is really, really strange…..and it IS NOT unreasonable to wonder what the close relationship Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, has with pro-Russian allies in Ukraine….and who now live in Russia!….for God’s sake.
    One last thing…do you know that Donald Trump’s campaign….in the Republican National Committee’s COMPLETE PLATFORM….that Donald Trump changed only ONE thing: the provision that any attack by RUSSIA in Ukraine would trigger weapons support from the United States? Trump’s team pulled that one out of the RNC Platform!!! Left everything else intact….but pulled that one. Something’s not right Indiana Enoch.
    Well now. Did anyone else notice, all Networks -TV-Radio-Cable-even the fake news sources…cut into regular programming to broadcast Trump/Russia hearings? That is a sign, THIS IS SERIOUS, right?

    The Presidency is in shambles. It is disintegrating. Legislation? STOPPED. Trump hates being President so much, he doesn’t even want to live in the White House. The US House of Representatives, the US Senate, the CIA, the FBI, the NSA…EVEN THE PRESIDENT’S OWN DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE…..who appointed itself, the most devastating Special Counsel imaginable – 12 year leader of the FBI Robert Mueller – IS INVESTIGATING the reality TV star Trump OVER RUSSIAN TIES!!!

    I hate to tell you, I told you so. But I told you so.

      • He has a “fake news” dependency and gets his fixes watching CNN and MSNBC. His mother should lecture him about staying in her basement too much and not playing with the other children in the sunlight.

    • OneEV (aka Becker4Hillary), finally below is the proof positive of the Russian Trump collusion in Indiana.

      Twelve employees of a Democrat-linked group focused on mobilizing black voters in Indiana are accused of submitting fake or fraudulent voter registration applications ahead of last year’s general election in order to meet quotas, according to charging documents filed Friday.

      Prosecutors allege that 11 temporary workers employed by the Indiana Voter Registration Project created and submitted an unknown number of falsified applications. According to a probable cause affidavit, a supervisor for those canvassers, Holiday Burke, was also charged, as was the group….

      The Indiana Voter Registration Project’s effort to register primarily black voters was overseen by Patriot Majority USA, which has ties to the Democratic Party, including Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and former President Bill Clinton…..

      All 12 defendants face one count each of procuring or submitting voter registration applications known to be false, fictitious or fraudulent. Eleven of them face one perjury count each, while the 12th — their supervisor — faces one count of counterfeiting.

      If convicted on all the charges each defendant faces up to 2 ½ years in prison.

      The Indiana Voter Registration Project faces the same charges as the supervisor. If convicted, the group could face a fine of $10,000.

  2. The presidency is not in shambles. Mr Trump is doing the best. Mr Trump has a lot of enemies. People see through the BS. The man has only been in office 5 months. He will prevail. He will make America great again.

  3. The only one I see meddling in our election and the running of our government is James Comey. He went out of his way to make the democrat candidate look bad and hurt her election chances. Then he decided the duly elected president was not up to his standards and has gone out of his way to delegitify Trumps presidency. I do not remember seeing his name on the ballot maybe I missed it. When did the head of the FBI get to decide who is qualified to be president?

  4. President Trump is without a doubt cleaning the swamp………….it is over………President Trump will be stronger than ever……..America will be stronger than ever…………Middle America Has Spoke……….little one eville aka little pecker continues to be a laughing stock…………..keep posting don we love you………al sharpie says you are the best not counting REG………

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