Cartoon Explains Quantitative Easing (what our government is doing with our money)



  1. LOL…true true true, and to think we here in river city are a little worked up over a little failed state audit and the general tomfoolery involved all around our little world! 🙂


    • It all starts here at home. Take care of the dimes and the dollars will take care of themselves. The education of the public on government financing should start at the local level.

      Then, once the people learn to spot a poorly run local government, it is just a matter of scale to spot the same in state or federal government.

      Currently we have an example of a poorly run local government, a fact that has been verified by the state audit agency. When the people become informed enough here in Evansville that they demand a better government, then the days of similar inefficiently run government at the state and federal level are numbered, but it all starts right here in Evansville.


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