IS IT TRUE Part 2, October 1, 2012 (the questions about AuditGATE)


Evansville Financial Controls for 2011

IS IT TRUE that we are wondering when the State Board of Accounts are going to grant City Councilmen and Budget Director, John Friend, CPA request for them to audit the Ford Center construction project? … that the “Civic Center Mole” tells us that Mr. Friend requested 3 months ago that the Mayor style an official letter to the SBA requesting that they schedule this audit soon as possible because this was biggest capital project that the City of Evansville has ever undertaken? …that “Civic Center Mole” has informed us that the State Board of Accounts has never responded to the Mayors request to conduct this audit ? …it looks like the new Governor should consider appointing a new Director to the State Board of Accounts in order to insure that important audit requests will be acknowledged in a reasonable time frame?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr. claims to have manually reconciled all the fund balances as of December 31, 2011?…there are slightly over 100 such accounts and it seems a bit of a stretch even for a staff of CPA’s to have reconciled over 100 accounts in the short month since the SBOA came down on the City of Evansville like a ton of bricks?…the statement of Receipts, disbursement, and Investment balances as reported to the SBOA is on the following link?…we would like to hear from Controller Lloyd just how long it took to review the balances and indicate that your reconciled balances agree to the attached and to the Gateway report?… in addition, we would like to see the City Council supplied with a status report on the reconciliation of the Utility funds and when the SBOA report will be published concerning them?

IS IT TRUE that we wonder just how in the daylights it is possible for the City of Evansville to have managed the payroll account that involves the calculation of overtime and submitting withheld tax moneys to both the IRS and the Indiana Department of Revenue with a financial system that does not work?…we wonder if the payroll and withholding has been done correctly?…the inability to count does in a way explain the fact reported in the audit that substantially all of the accounts of the City were overdrawn at some point in 2011?…every college kid with a debit card seems to learn the lesson of unrecorded entries and overdraft fees by the end of their freshman year?…the City of Evansville is not even at the freshman level of accounting at this time?

IS IT TRUE that the Ford Center was completed in 2011?…it has been represented to the people of Evansville that the construction project came in a slightly under the $127.5 Million budget?…we wonder how that was accounted for since the City could not count or reconcile at that time?…maybe they took Mr. Kish’s word for it?…the same question goes for the operation of the Ford Center ever since it opened?…we wonder how the money was counted, with what, and what are the results?…it should be crystal clear by now that a full forensic audit needs to be done on the books of the City of Evansville, the Water and Sewer Utility, the Ford Center construction project, and the Evansville IT Department?…a failure to do this will be a failure of the Winnecke Administration?…there is no time for cronyism when a city of over 100,000 people can’t balance its checkbook due to complete incompetence?


  1. I believe that given what has happened during the Weinzapfel administration concerning the city’s financial reporting, that an audit of the $126 million arena project is definitely in order and should be performed at the earliest opportunity.


  2. I do not find it interesting at all that the finances were not reconciled. Look at the article (speech) by Weinzapfel. He states that there are only TWO exits from Roberts Stadium.

    He may have a law degree, but he sure can’t count.

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