UE Creative Writing Coffee Hour Welcomes George Singleton


On Thursday, September 20, the University of Evansville’s Department of Creative Writing will feature fiction writer and teacher George Singleton in its Coffee Hour series, which brings celebrated writers to campus for afternoon readings of their published works.

Each Coffee Hour begins at 4:00 p.m. in the Melvin Peterson Gallery at the corner of Lincoln and Weinbach avenues. Coffee and cookies will be served, and the authors will be available afterward for conversation and book signings. Coffee Hours are free and open to the public.

George Singleton is the author of five collections of short stories: These People Are Us, The Half-Mammals of Dixie, Why Dogs Chase Cars, Drowning in Gruel, and Stray Decorum. He has also published two novels, Novel and Work Shirts for Madmen, and a book of writing advice titled Pep Talks, Warnings, and Screeds. He has published more than 150 short stories in magazines and journals such as Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s, Zoetrope Georgia Review, Southern Review, Epoch, Oxford American, and Kenyon Review.

A past Guggenheim Fellowship recipient, Singleton has also received the Hillsdale Award from the Fellowship of Southern Writers. He teaches fiction writing at the South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities in Greenville, South Carolina.

For more information on the Coffee Hour series, please visit the Department of Creative Writing’s website.

Source: Evansville.edu