Rep. Messer Co-Sponsors Bill to Ensure Members of Congress Are Not Exempt from Health Care Changes


Rep. Luke Messer (IN-06) today co-sponsored legislation that would ensure members of Congress are not exempt from any changes to health care law.

“Members of Congress should not be exempt from the laws they pass. Period. And that should, of course, be the case with any changes Congress makes to health care law,” Messer said. “This brief two-page legislation will ensure lawmakers are treated the same under our health care laws as everyone else.  The bill should be noncontroversial and enjoy broad bipartisan support.”

Introduced by Rep. Martha McSally (AZ-02), H.R. 2192 will clarify that Members of Congress and their staff will be subject to the same waivers as everyone else if the American Health Care Act (AHCA) becomes law.

On Friday, Messer called for his colleagues in the House of Representatives to take a vote this week on the American Health Care Act (AHCA) – the proposed legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare.

“It’s past time to take a vote on the bill and keep our promise,” Messer said. “We need to get the bill to the House floor this week.”