Dr. Bucshon’s Statement on President’s Tax Reform Proposal


Eighth District Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. released the following statement after the Trump Administration released an outline for tax reform on Wednesday:


“Traveling around the Eighth District over the past two weeks, I consistently heard from Hoosier families and job creators about their frustration with a broken and burdensome tax code.  And as Tax Day came and went earlier this month, we were all starkly reminded that the current system is just too complicated and too complex.  By just about every measure, it’s clear that the tax code needs significant overhaul,” said Bucshon.  “Over the past eight years the U.S. economy hasn’t grown at its full potential, which has translated to fewer jobs and less take-home pay for families. Implementing fundamental tax reform – a simpler, fairer tax code that gets rates down for everyone – is absolutely necessary to get the economy firing on all cylinders. That’s why I am encouraged to see President Trump set broad goals for tax reform today that builds on the Better Way initiative House Republicans released last year. President Trump’s proposal will help provide a guide for Congress and the White House to work together to achieve much-need tax reform to grow the economy, create jobs, and provide more certainty for families.”


  1. How are you planning on paying for the corp. tax cuts? Don’t tell me about the trickle down theory we tried that for over 20+ years and it hasn’t worked. How about starting with elimentating the huge tax cuts and substacies already in place for the fosil fuel industries, corp. such as GE, Verizon, etc. Voiding all government contracts with corp. that have profits parked off shore to avoid taxes. Dramatically increase the tax on the 1% and huge tax cuts for the middle class, and $15/hour mim. wage. Then you will really see the economy take off.

    • Spoken by someone who has never had to make a payroll, right, Saul? Your Communist Manifesto has been proven to not work, but you Mini-Bernies are still promoting the fairy tale, right?

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