IS IT TRUE September 17, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE September 17, 2012

IS IT TRUE that nearly every comment, email, or call that the City County Observer has received regarding the $1 Million+ tab to demolish Roberts Stadium has expressed a feeling of being mislead?…that most of those comments believe that the inaccurate information was not only misleading but that it was intentionally misleading on the part of the last two administrations for the purpose of softening the message of the costs associated with Roberts demolition?…that high ranking elected officials have also struck a shocked, amazed, and outraged positions with respect to this obvious act of either complete incompetence at best or flat out lying at worst?…it is widely thought that Option C of selling Roberts Stadium at auction as opposed to getting into a non-revenue producing project expected to eat up over $10 Million tax dollars to benefit dogs and skateboarders is the right thing to do?

IS IT TRUE that a bid to demolish Roberts Stadium in the amount of $200,000 has been seen by many people and has been represented to the people of Evansville and the Robert Stadium task force to represent the entire bill for this dirty deed?…there is a line item in the proposed “Culture and Recreation” 2013 budget in the amount of $500,000 under the heading “Roberts Park” that is now being put forward as the balance of what is needed to tear down Roberts?…that the $200,000 from the auction that devalued the stadium plus the 2012 budget amount of $200,000 earmarked for demolition plus this $500,000 does almost equal the lowest bid for demolition?…this is NOT and we repeat NOT the message sent out to the community during this process and that it looks like a city employee named SNEGAL successfully made the transition from the Weinzapfel Administration to the Winnecke Administration?…it is unfortunate that it seems that nothing in the business repertoire of the City of Evansville is ever done above board in a transparent and honest way?

IS IT TRUE that the Indiana State Fraternal Oder of Police recently made the following political endorsement?…they selected John R. Gregg for Governor, Greg Zoeller for Attorney General, Tony Bennett for Superintendent of Public Instruction, District 76-candidate Trent Van Haaften for State Representative, District 77 State Representative- Gail Riecken and no other local State Senators or State Representatives received endorsements from the State FOP?

IS IT TRUE if you want to see how local candidates for office in the upcoming November election stand on VandyGov issue please click…that we find Debbie Stucki candidate for County Clerk, Joe Kiefer Candidate for County Commission, and current President of the Vanderburgh County Commissioner, Marsha Abell keeps reversing themselves on this issue extremely interesting?

IS IT TRUE last week that one of our bloggers alleges if the November VandyGov. vote passes the taxpayers can unexpected a big ticket renovation costs at the Civic Center?… the extremely reliable Civic Center Mole predicts that the political power that be shall be faced with a major and costly expense to renovate a larger Council Chambers to house a 15 member Common Council board? …that next week the Civic Center Mole tells us that next Thursday we shall be receiving information to prove that his information is indeed correct?…we have it on good authority that the cost to remodel the Council Chamber to accommodate the new 15 member group will eat up more than a full years identified savings by the consolidation committee?


  1. I agree that they purposely rigged the demolition cost low to aid in getting the recommendation to tear down the stadium. Once the stadium is gone, it should surprise no one to find out that the cost of the new park is greatly underestimated. Why don’t they have a complete design of the park and get bids rather than floating out this estimate that Mayor Winnecke pulled out of his rear end?

  2. Looks like another Mayor Winnenke back room political deal in the making concerning the new Common Council chambers at the civic center!
    No wonder people are referring to him as the “one term” Mayor.

  3. Wonder what all the Winnenke voters that voted this guy in really think now? Pitiful!

  4. Please city watch–you should just say he is a political puppet of the former Mayor!

  5. VANDIGOV is dead and has been for 15 or 20 years. I believe the only ones who use that name currently are those who were around then and/or brain dead.

    • Vandy-Gov, consolidation, unification, group hug, whatever you wish to call it, its the same old crap with a little more desperation on Evansville’s part this time around because its politicians have drowned the city in debt and they are looking for non city residents to throw them a lifeline. If this fails, all those responsible for the financial decline of Evansville will be heading for the tall grass as the city faces the consequences of out of control spending and even more out of control financial accounting.


      • Time to put on your big boy pants Evansville and man-up to the reality of the last 8 years.


  6. LOL…..VandiGov, CONsolidation, Unification, all the same horse just painted different colors and pushed by different hucksters, it was a bad idea when Mayor Vandeveer floated the idea years ago…’s still a bad idea in it’s current form.


  7. I recently attended a meeting at which a gaggle of geese who had taken the appearance of men bloviated endlessly about why we had to vote in favor of consolidation. I asked them if there would be any efficiencies of scale due to redundancies between the city and county governments that would reduce human resource expenses, and they were unable to identify any. I told them that the in absence of any efficiencies from consolidation there was no point in attempting consolidation, much less executing their plan.

    The gentlemen arguing in favor of consolidation were very unhappy about that. Don’t vote for consolidation: It’s nothing more than a cheap parlor trick, a big lie, and a waste of the taxpayers’ tax revenue.

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